3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Would completing several software classes in high school increase the likely hood of getting accepted into a college?

I’ve taken 3 software classes and will get my Digital design Certification soon, will this increase the likely hood of me getting into a particular college trying get my masters in computer science?

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@DavidTurner2 years ago

Maybe someone can tell me how to fix the Bluetooth on my macbook? Not so long ago it started to work very badly and I need to find out how I can fix it?

@BillyRus2 years ago [edited]

It's really convenient to use. But sometimes my mac breaks Bluetooth and stops seeing other devices. Therefore, I decided to find out how to get rid of such a breakdown using this source [url=https://setapp.com/how-to/quickly-fix-mac-bluetooth-not-working]setapp.com[/url] , so this problem is fixed for now. Try to assimilate this information if you have ever had a similar problem. Good luck!

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3 answers

a year ago[edited]

It's important to comprehend how secure your product is because any information could be used by hackers to profit from it. Additionally, you should follow the straightforward advice on security misconfiguration in order to offer trustworthy security because doing so will enable you to deliver the greatest outcomes at the lowest possible cost. It will undoubtedly be quite beneficial for you as it will enable you to enhance your software and service offerings.

3 years ago

Probably. It shows that you are going beyond on your studies, that you are passionate in that area. So if it isn’t something that every one in your class did, it can show your personality and interests.

3 years ago

I would say the certificate would certainly increase your chances of getting in for the degree you mentioned. Definitely mention it on your resumé.

Hope this helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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