4 years ago
Admissions Advice

It seems the number of Dual Enrollment classes doesn't affect my college chances. Is this an error?

I have taken 5 Dual Enrollment classes because my High School doesn't offer AP classes. When I look at my school list, it says that my academic profile does not meet the threshold due to the average person accepted having taken 3 AP classes. No matter what number of dual enrollment classes I enter, it still says there is room for improvement in my coursework.

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@idonthaveausername4 years ago

i pretty sure colleges look at the ap class your school offered and if they don't colleges wont use that against you plus you took dual enrolment because you don't have ap classes which is a good look also when using the chance calc make sure for ap class offered put zero

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1 answer

4 years ago

Here's a workaround.

I'm suggesting this because at my HS dual enrollment has multiple meanings. 1.) any course that is deemed a college-level equivalent that you can take for credit on a college campus or in high school and get credit for. 2.) and AP substitute you can take in lieu of an HS AP course. In my case, I have 30 credits and only 14 out of 30 are AP equivalents credits.

What I would do is put the 5 classes into the AP section because a.) they are AP surrogates and b.) you, I assume are taking the AP tests for them this coming Spring.

If you want to play with the output, give yourself 3s vs 4s vs 5s to see what impact that has on your college admissions % percentage range. Sometime if you've tapped on the other criterion, it doesn't make much difference what your actual scores out since they don't really count for very much in the college admissions evaluation.

Hope that helps.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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