5 years ago
Admissions Advice

I am interested in medical school. Should I apply to a safety school to increase my chances of getting a scholarship?

I live in Texas. I’m a junior.

My rank is 17 out of 1763.

My SAT score is 1570, and PSAT is 1500.

My extracurricular profile is currently not very strong.

My unweighted GPA is 3.86.

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3 answers

5 years ago[edited]

As someone who also lives in Texas, I'm aware of the auto-admittance system in place for many colleges in state. Of course it depends on your financial status if they will give you any scholarships (the better two tend to only give need-based), but with your stats you should easily get your major in A&M College Station. UT Austin tends not to give auto admitted students their major and it may be a harder path compared to their competitor. If the baseline costs of these two schools is too much, then you might want to apply to UT Dallas as well since they tend to give a lot more scholarship than the first two.

Good luck!

5 years ago

You should always be applying to a safety school no matter what. For whatever reason people seem to associate a safety school with a "bad" school but that can't be further from the truth. A safety school is just one where you have a very good chance at getting accepted. You should apply to 2-3 of these schools just in case. Like @Ryder said, the college application process can be very random and sometimes things don't go as planned. It's better to send in your application to a few safety schools than to not send them in and not get the results you were hoping for from your other schools.

5 years ago

Yes, definitely apply to safety schools no matter what. College application is a totally random process, and sometimes unexpected things happen. If I were you I would definitely apply to your state school, and judging from your PSAT scores you will probably be a national merit-semifinalist and maybe a finalist. If you can become a finalist, a lot of state schools, especially in Texas will offer you a partial to a full scholarship. So yes, apply to 2-3 safety schools and also work on your extracurriculars! Hopefully this helps, good luck!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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