4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Yo does anyone know the optimal time to submit an essay?Like when it only cost 10 karma :)

Sometimes you need 20 karma and sometimes you need 10 to submit an essay. Right now its 20 karma and I keep refreshing to see if it will change. Today is only my second day on collegevine so does anyone know at what time of day I will need 10 karma only?


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3 answers

4 years ago[edited]

Its random. There is no set time or day or week when CV decides to change the Karma cost. I read somewhere it has something to do with demand. If there are a lot of people wanting essays reviewed, it's 20 and if there is no cue, it's sometimes 10 but I've known it to be free as well. Since Winter break is peak demand for RD applications, expect it to be mostly 20 right now.

4 years ago[edited]

So if I remember correctly one of the experts responded to another question and confirmed it is demand based. A few days ago I did submit one for 10 karma so it’s definitely possible but generally submit essays at like early morning (2am EST) on a weekday as that’s likely the best bet for 10 karma submissions but if you are able check throughout the day and see if it’s 10. As I commented on another don’t expect free submissions anytime soon.

You also may review some essays to shorten the queue and potentially decrease karma. But I’m not sure if that works but in my head it should but not sure the trade off of time v karma is worth it.

Hope this helps and feel free to comment if you’s like clarification as I’d be more than happy to help!

4 years ago

I don't believe there is any specific schedule for when essay reviews cost certain amounts. Throughout the day, it can either be 20, 10, or even 0 karma per essay review. This is based on the number of people waiting for their essays to be reviewed at that time, so it'll cost less when fewer people want their essays reviewed. I've had the best luck before noon on weekdays and Friday nights, however now that we're closer to application deadlines it could be different.

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