3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How greatly will my past academic failures affect my chances of getting into an Ivy League university?

During my freshmen and sophomore year, I was a trainee at SM Entertainment and consequently could not attend school regularly. I had 2 C's, a few B's, and mostly A's during my freshmen year, but my grades ended up getting worse during my sophomore year because of more absences. I ended up with a 3.59 GPA 1st semester sophomore year, and 2.76 GPA during second semester sophomore year. However, at the end of the 2nd semester, I decided to quit SM and repeat my sophomore year at a different school.

As of this year and last year(the repeated sophomore year), I've been doing well. I'm currently a junior in HS, and just ended my 1st semester. I'm taking four APs this year, and took one AP last year. I have a perfect GPA for 1st and second semester sophomore year + my current junior first semester. I also have a 1580 SAT(not a super score), 800 Math IIC, and a 5 on AP Psychology(I took this sophomore year). I also have multiple prizes from violin competitions and have won a few medals with my chemistry research paper.But I'm extremely worried that my past grades will greatly affect my chances of getting into top 5 universities. How greatly will my past affect my chances?

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3 answers

3 years ago

Honestly speaking, because you were able to get 1580 on the SAT plus do well on your AP exams in your Junior year, these scores will make up for your past grades. Colleges want to see an upward trend in the grades of students and you have that. I wouldn't worry too much when it comes to freshman and sophomore year grades, since you are doing well now in school. To combat lower freshman/sophomore year grades, a high score on the SAT is needed. You have demonstrated that, so you are fine.

Just make sure to explain when you apply, exactly why your grades took a downfall in freshman and sophomore years.

3 years ago

honestly I don't think it will affect your chances very significantly, especially with such high current scores. :) With great extracurriculars and academics both, you will probably do just fine.

3 years ago

talk about why your grades took a dip sophomore year in ur additional info section. Otherwise, your scores on the SATs kinda make up for that dip and do show an upward trend, so you might have a good shot at the Ivies.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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