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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

this is what i am planning to do to get into undergrad business programs are these ECs valuable or do I need to improve

i am a sophmore so i have time to change what i planning to do

Financial markets and economic blog

intern at a hedge fund or a startup in my state (md)

intern at dept of treasury

student leaders or Americas or Wharton's summer program

worked at a social justice non profit

started an investment club in school or even an endowment (reach)

school prez

started an online ecommerce business

Model Un secretary general or fbla president

trade stocks and option - that includes making trading algos

also would this be a good honors

wall street prep certificate (they have over 200 plus corpoerate clients 100 plus uni clients)

the course teach financial modeling dcf modeling transaction modeling and more

@DebaterMAX4 years ago

Please familiarize yourself with the community guidelines especially Dont #2

[🎤 AUTHOR]@daniel194 years ago

this is not a chance me i just trying to no what route i should take

@DebaterMAX4 years ago

You are asking are these ECs good enough to be admitted. That is a chance me. You aren’t asking something like are these ECs valuable or do I need to improve on them.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@daniel194 years ago

oh should i change the wording

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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