4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to include research from AP research on application

Is there any way for me to include the independent research work I've done on my application if it was for the class AP Research. Would it count as an activity cause it was technically done for a class but I had to do a lot of work and data collection outside of class. If not as an activity, then where can I bring it up? In an essay? But does doing this independent research project look less impressive to colleges just because it was for a class? Or would just colleges seeing that I got the AP capstone diploma be enough?


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2 answers

4 years ago

While the AP Capstone diploma will look impressive regardless, if you feel particularly proud of the work you did for AP Research, there are several ways to include it in your application. First, even though it was technically for a class, if you don't have 10 more impressive activities, you can just go ahead and put it in your CommonApp resume. You could also write about it in your essays. Finally, you could reference it in your CommonApp Additional Information Section. While your decision whether or not to write about it in depth probably won't make or break your applications, any substantial, completed research project and paper should look relatively impressive to admission officers regardless of whether it was for a class or not. If you feel you did excellent and meaningful work, you definitely don't lose anything by explaining it somewhere in your application.

4 years ago

There should be a section in the drop-down for activities that says something along the lines of "research".If it's something that required a lot of data and gathering (which it sounds like), then I don't see any harm in adding it. If it's important enough that you want to write your essay about it, then go for that as well! I think colleges want to see how motivated you were when it came to this research; be sure to specify that it wasn't just for a grade, but something that you're passionate about :)

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