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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I submit my SAT score?

I'm applying to Purdue University (main campus). I am applying as an intended major in computer science. On college vine- with my current score reports and courses- it says that Purdue is a safety school for me. IDK how this is possible, I have a 3.4 GPA, 1240 SAT [(700 Math) and (540 Reading -->RIP)], 4 AP courses (Env. Sci, Calc. AB, Calc. BC, and Micro. Econ), 11 honors, and 2 college courses (worth 53 hours of credit).

I am part of many clubs and activities: Science Olympiad (3yrs), Genesys Works, AVID Tutor, Museum Volunteer(2yrs), Planetarium Volunteer(2yrs), Library Volunteer (3yrs), Soccer (JV), Swimming (JV), Tennis (JV), Newspaper club, and DECA. I have also won medals in events at Science Olympiad at Regionals and State for engineering-related events. I have more than 400 hours of volunteering, and a good chunk of my time is spent in my clubs and after school activities.

I am not sure if I should submit my SAT score. I know that Purdue's avg. SAT is between 1190- 1420 and college vine says not to send in a score unless higher than 1310.

I personally know a few people who have been accepted to Purdue with scores ranging from 1280-1400 on SAT, and my score of 1240 is not far off from that range. Those students did have a GPA of 3.5 UW and higher though.

I'm stressing very hard over this, and I need some advice ASAP!

4 years ago [edited]

Hi there! Could you let us know where it says not to send a score unless higher than 1310? Our recommendations should be dependent on the school.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@swazzy.k4 years ago

Yeah, CollegeVine doesn't necessarily say "do not send this kind of score" but it made a claim stating: "if you having higher than 1310 for Purdue, we recommend you submit that score". So, it was a recommendation based on Purdue University for me. A recommendation to send a score above 1310 basically means do not send a score lower than that to Purdue, that is why I wrote: "college vine says not to send in a score unless higher than 1310".

4 years ago

That's quite odd, and I'm sorry that this caused you stress. You should submit your 1240. We recommend submitting any score within 60 points of the 25th percentile this year. I'll have our team investigate this 1310 issue. If you'd like updates, could you write into

[🎤 AUTHOR]@swazzy.k4 years ago

It's not a problem. I did hear about the 60pts rule, but I never read anything like that on the chancing part of the school's profile. I don't need anything from CollegeVine, but I will contact the support team as needed.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

Purdue says their class of 2023 (2019 freshmen) middle 50% SAT is 1210-1420. Your score, 1240, falls within that range, which means you should probably submit it. Having a score will only help your application, especially when it's in their middle 50% range or higher. I'm not sure why CollegeVine would say to not send a score unless it's higher than 1310, because that is not what they say everywhere else about sending scores.

Also, Purdue says their middle 50% GPA is 3.5-3.9, and since yours is slightly below that, an SAT score in their middle range can help make up for that (plus your strong course load and extracurriculars).


4 years ago

Hi! From a quick glance, although your overall SAT score may not be the strongest, it was your reading that pulled you down; since you're applying for computer science and performed well on your math component, I think you can consider submitting your SAT score! (If your English grades in school are decent or good, the 540 for your reading may not hold as heavy a weightage on your application as well)

Since admissions officers look at your application holistically, your essays will then be an opportunity for you to show you strong inclination to the maths and sciences, as well as your academic rigour as suggested by your portfolio. Ultimately, they select students to build a unique class so don't stress too much about one aspect and focus on painting a clear picture of who you are & what you can bring to Purdue!

All the best :-)

4 years ago

Hi! From a quick glance, although your overall SAT score may not be the strongest, it was your reading that pulled you down; since you're applying for computer science and performed well on your math component, I think you can consider submitting your SAT score! (If your English grades in school are decent or good, the 540 for your reading may not hold as heavy a weightage on your application as well)

Since admissions officers look at your application holistically, your essays will then be an opportunity for you to show you strong inclination to the maths and sciences, as well as your academic rigour as suggested by your portfolio. Ultimately, they select students to build a unique class so don't stress too much about one aspect and focus on painting a clear picture of who you are & what you can bring to Purdue!

All the best :-)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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