5 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP and Honors classes

I'm a sophomore at an arts magnet school (basically a public school, but you have to apply to get in) and I'm concerned that colleges won't believe I'm challenging myself because of my schools lack of AP classes. My school only offers 10 ap classes and I plan on taking all of them. I want to go to a competitive school and I'm worried that 10 AP classes is a little light for a highly competitive school like ivy league. Also my school doesn't offer honors classes. How do I make my transcript look better?

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3 answers

5 years ago

Colleges look at your application based on the curriculum offered by your school, but that doesn't mean you should slack on taking any AP/honors classes. You don't have to take all 10 AP courses offered, but make sure to have a moderate amount in your belt so that they won't affect each others grades since that is also an important factor.

5 years ago

College admissions officers will judge you based on the context of your school, so they will understand that you were unable to take as many AP classes. If you want to take more AP classes, you can take online AP courses.

5 years ago

Like the others have said, colleges will look at your application based on the context of your school. They'll see that you can't take honors courses and only have 10 APs available to you and will judge your application based on that information. Remember though that academics aren't the only thing they look at. You're going to also want a great EC profile if you're hoping to get into an ivy league.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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