4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Deciding between EC's

I'm a freshman and I'm considering volunteering in a tutoring program for a nonprofit, right now, it only takes 1 hour out of my schedule and I was thinking of signing up. It also gives you an option to start a tutor chapter in a school. But I'm also about to enter an international app competition (I've been working on an application that helps elementary students with homework and am now turning it into an app) it will take up the rest of my school year. I've run into a roadblock, see I'm having trouble figuring out whether I should enter the competition or if I should just focus on the web application and also become a tutor. I'd appreciate any advice or your point of view.

Thank you in advance!


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3 answers

4 years ago

When I entered my ECs in Collegevine to see my chances of getting into certain colleges I was surprised to learn tutoring itself didn’t add much value. If you started a chapter at your school and could show a large number of participants that would be a boost. Winning a competition or developing an app used by a high number of people would be a bigger boost. For ECs it’s about the impact not the quantity. National impact is better than State impact which is better than school impact, etc.

4 years ago[edited]

Perhaps you should take on the tutoring. If any part of you didn't really like that answer while reading that, then maybe deep down you knew that you wanted that extra hour to work on the competition. Otherwise, I say go for both! From my experience with computer science classes, which I've learned I enjoy, I think I'd personally want an extra hour to work on building an app or solving problems. If you're still stuck, you can also list out pros and cons. I hope this helps and I wish you all the best with your app!

4 years ago

You should go for both, work on the web development for your app to enter the competition, and tutor. These would be great items to list on your application etc when you start applying for colleges. Showing that you have a passion for ECs you are in from the start of your high school career, allows the colleges to know you are committed to what you do. Tutoring also helps you further understand the topics you teach. Besides, you are only investing an hour out of your schedule to tutor. Best of luck at your competition!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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