4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I mention specific doctors or professors I would like to work with if on the " why this college " prompt?

have gotten mixed advise on this and I am hoping to get a clearer answer. Some say it is good and will show admissions officers that you took time to research the college and others advise against it. Why is it good or bad to namedrop?

Heres my situation. I have had laboratory experience through getting an internship in a research lab. One of the main reasons I want to attend a certain school was because their research program and opportunities are unparalleled. So, in one of my supplementals, I mentioned a certain researcher that I would be more than eager to work with. I talked about her research work and how it paralleled with my specific experience in her area of research . So in a sense no, I am not trying to " name drop" just to name drop, but I was wondering if this way of naming specific people i am eager to work with, would reflect badly .


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

It is absolutely recommended that you give names of professors you want to work with in your supplements. This shows interest and how you see yourself as a good fit. As you said I would not name drop to name drop. But as long as you show passion and make it clear why you want to work with them, you're fine. Specificity is always better

4 years ago

You should definitely be careful about naming specific professors, but if you have a clear link to their work, and make that explicit in your essay, it is okay to name them and their research.

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