3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are some of the extracurricular activities to get the Lester B. Pearson scholarship in University of Toronto?

My grades in school is pretty great. I have received 95%+ in my recent examinations. Please suggest some exceptional extra curricular activities to build up my resume.

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3 answers

3 years ago

Honestly, you will not get a proper answer here since the University of Toronto is a Canadian institution and most of the users, experts, and founders of this site are Americans. The University of Toronto is not a school that is in the CollegeVine database.

I would direct you to a Canadian site maybe Quora.ca ( or the UT website )or something like that to make your query. You need to ask Canadians who are familiar with UT admissions and criteria and now one on this American site is an expert on Canadian criteria.

3 years ago

I'm a Canadian but I'm not that familiar with the Lester Pearson scholarship since its geared towards international students but I can give you my take on it. Most Canadian scholarships heavily emphasize leadership and service. They want to see you are a self-motivated person who is heavily involved in their community. This can look like starting an initiative/organization for social equity, mentoring younger students, conducting independent research. I know these sound pretty generic but I don't think the extracurricular itself matters so much as long as you can show that you are passionate about it, you are a leader and that it's positively benefitting the community you come from. I believe U of T shows previous recipients of the scholarship on its website, so that might be something to check out. Hope that helps :)

3 years ago

Don't approach this from wanting to get into a specific school. Think of it as how selective the school is. Are you applying to a school with an admissions rate under 20%? Then aim to try to compete nationally or even internationally. As competitiveness for the school goes down, so does your circular portfolio.

Aside from that, think about your intended major. Show that you understand what you want to do and have a deep passion by sticking with a few activities related to the major throughout your high school career.

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