4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Need Help Figuring out what to do to make me stand out!

Hi! I am a sophomore in high school and I am currently trying to start to figure out what I am going to do to make me "stand out" to colleges. I am interested in studying psychology in college and possibly minoring in music. I play 3 instruments at the moment and am hopefully going to start piano soon (I also am starting to write my own music). I love helping others and am involved in the student council. I also did a book drive for kids in Nigeria in 2nd grade and loved doing that (I'm Nigerian-American). I am also involved in the Music Review club and Ethics just so whoever sees this knows my interests. I just need help figuring out something big that will make me stand out. By the way, my dream university is Stanford. If anyone can help that would be great! Multiple responses to this would be great so I can get some different perspectives.

@cami.bb4 years ago

Maybe try to volunteer in Nigeria again- it shows you care about your background and could help you stand out. Just so you know, colleges most likely won’t care what you did in second grade, just what you’ve done in high school (and occasionally middle school). Best of luck!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@wamiooo1224 years ago

Thank you! And ya for sure i won’t be putting what I did in elementary school on my college app haha just was trying to give some background for this question.

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2 answers

4 years ago

Maybe try to volunteer in Nigeria again- it shows you care about your background and could help you stand out. Just so you know, colleges most likely won’t care what you did in second grade, just what you’ve done in high school (and occasionally middle school). Best of luck!

4 years ago

Just keep doing what you are doing. Colleges like to see commitment. Seeing that you want to study psychology, try to find some college program near you or online program that teaches that. You can also try to start a Psychology focused blog or maybe even try to start a Psychology club in your school. If you start the club, you can even expand it to help the community by idk maybe teaching kids about psychology.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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