4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do colleges like upward trends in grades?

Hello, I'm a current sophomore in high school.

I took geometry last year as a freshman and my grades were very bad. First semester, I ended with an 84 and 2nd semester, I ended with an 88.

Now, in sophomore year, I'm taking Algebra 2. I'm aiming to end with a 94 first semester. Will colleges penalize me? My class ranking was destroyed because of my math grades freshman year and I'm planning to major in computer science and minor in economics.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

I had similar grades as you to be honest where I ended with a 85 first semester for geometry but a 90 in my second semester. You don't have to worry though as long as you keep your grades high over time. Colleges do like upward trends in grades but don't take that as ok I will make myself go low then rise over time. Try to aim as high as a grade as possible. A high GPA is worth a lot. Since you are in ur sophomore year right now, I want to say to not worry too much about your geometry grades. Over the next 2-3 years, your gpa if you keep getting consistent 90+, will make the geometry grade negligible, especially if you take electives to add more classes to your schedule to provide more grades to even out your transcript. If you are planning to major in computer science and minor in economics, be sure to take AP Calc AB or BC seriously though because they are probably gonna be worth a lot more than some 9th grade geometry grade.

4 years ago

Colleges actually do like seeing improvements in your grades year to year, so if you had a bad grade in your freshamn year but you are improving it in your sophomore and junior year they would be actually glad.

What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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