4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Due to COVID, community svc has been almost nil. How to increase admisssion prospect for international students?

I am in 11th grade. Looking for pre med undergraduate options. Very few community svc options here. So how to make my application better

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2 answers

4 years ago

Hi. I think one way to stand out is to start something like a passion project or so. Something that's remote. You can check youtube to know more about passion projects (college college admissions on youtube) basically it is about starting something or doing things remotely. It could be research, podcast or anything you're genuinely interested in that can solidify your admission. Just explore. I wish you the best of luck. For me I'm an international student and the one thing I know really helped my application was that I started an NGO and then I was able to show my interests through that and my outlook on the future. I think you should explore different things from what you like and then start something around that interest online.

4 years ago

First, community service opportunities have been limited for most people so schools will take that into account. I would say you would want to look into what virtual opportunities are available to you either in the form of academic extracurriculars or volunteer opportunities. For example, I know I have heard of organizations that organize virtual tutoring services with older students and underprivileged younger students. Maybe that would be something you could look into? Hope this helps!

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