4 years ago
Admissions Advice

what should accoplish when blogging

what should i achieve when blogging example words i typed

[🎤 AUTHOR]@dsgjahghsbfas4 years ago

yes sorry for not making it clear

@VeggieDance4 years ago

Use spellcheck and grammar check always otherwise you will automatically lose followers. "accoplish" "w" "w" "i" "i" should be all capitalized and both sentence structures make no sense. You mean "What should I accomplish when blogging?", and "What should I archive (not achieve) when blogging, for example, certain words I type?

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1 answer

4 years ago

In blogging, if you want to use an example; you should always state your point or your opinion first. Then you should let your audience know you are about to do an example by writing transition words like: For example, or For instance, any word that you think would match your writing style. Then after the transition, then you state your examples.

Ex: Do you like games? I do, it is a virtual environment built for you to explore and have fun by yourself or with friends and family. But some games are not appropriate for youngsters; For example, Fortnite might look like a fun game, but it can change an underage player 8 and younger. They will try to act it out and that is why that game is not allowed in schools...(I will finish this here).

I hope this helped. =)

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