4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I am 25 and have only a few credits, how can I boost my resume to get into a top school?

I am 25, graduated high school 8 years ago. I have accrued about 1 year worth or credits from a few different schools so I am a transfer student. How can I get into a top school? Should I go to community College? Look for volunteer/educational opportunities and internships? Take the SAT again? Should I not worry about getting into a great school for my bachelor's and just go to whatever 4 year school will accept me, and then try for a top school for grad school?

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@aelyshas4 years ago

I think it would be helpful if you gave a bit of information on what you would like to study/your major, what type of schooling you had before, and what you currently have on your resume from high-school to now. If we know where you fully are now and what your goals are for the future, we will be better equipped to provide some advice :) Also, what "top schools" are you interested in?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

So first, you should make sure wherever you are looking would even accept all the credits you already have. They might not all transfer. And honestly? It's going to be easier for you to apply as a freshman than to apply as a transfer - plus you'll be able to receive more aid if you qualify. Going to a community college first and then transferring to another school would probably be the easiest path for you. Then once you're in you can focus on your grades and building up your ECs. Volunteering, internships, shadowing, are all good options depending on what you want to do. After two years and working on your profile then you could look at transferring out to somewhere else.

And if you're definitely planning on going to grad school I wouldn't stress too much about where you go for undergrad. While it might make getting into some grad schools easier by getting into a "top" school, it's also going to depend on your grades and other factors. And realistically, at least from my view, the added benefit might not be enough to justify taking on tens/hundreds of thousands in loans but that's a personal decision you need to make.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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