5 years ago
Admissions Advice

UMD College Park applicant.. SAT scores?

Hi, my graduating class is 2021. I’ve dreamt of going to this school since I was little and am currently working my tail off practicing for the SAT. Haven’t taken it yet thanks to COVID-19, but would like to know what minimum SAT score they would take into consideration amongst the other factors of GPA, extracurriculars, etc. Every site says something different.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

After researching for about 10 minutes, I totally see where your confusion is. I typically trust PrepScholar's data for averages and always look up "[College Name] PrepScholar" to look at the average GPA and SAT/ACT scores. Taking into consideration the scores or ranges I saw online, I think the average is around mid to upper 1300s. A better way to look at it is to challenge yourself a bit and assume towards the higher side just to be safer. With this, however, don't go too crazy! I saw some websites say 1290 while others said 1420, so I think you should aim for 1380-1400. Also, just as a note, I think that with the amount of effort you are putting in you are destined to make your dream come true! I believe in you :). If you think you are at average or above average in other categories such as GPA and extracurriculars, then try to stick with a goal of a higher 1300 for the SAT. Best of luck!

5 years ago

I looked at the freshmen profile on the UMD website and it says that the middle 50% is between 1330 to 1470. Now there is never a minimum SAT score, but if you are not a strong test taker, and say score below the 25th percentile of admitted students, then you'll have to make it up somewhere else whether its your gpa or extracurriculars. You say that you're working your tail off for the SAT, and so I would say aim for a 1400 or higher to be a competitive applicant.

4 years ago

I think the best place to get information for this is usually the college's website directly. I found this on their freshman profile page: "For students admitted for the Fall 2019 semester, the middle 50% of SAT scores ranged from 1330 to 1470, and 30-34 on the ACT. Admitted freshmen also earned primarily As and Bs."

So that means 25% of accepted students had below a 1330 and 25% had above a 1470. It doesn't sound like you're going to take the ACT but 25% of admitted students had a score lower than 30 and 25% had a score higher than 34. Ideally you would score somewhere in the 1470-1500 range which can be fairly difficult. If you can score something close to 1400 and have solid ECs I think you would be in a solid spot. Even if you score less than a 1330 you can still get in but like @apfng17 said, you'll need to make up for it in other aspects of your application. Most likely ECs

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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