4 years ago
Admissions Advice

JV captain vs Varsity player?

I recently tried out for soccer and the coach talked to me after tryouts and said I have two options: I can be a captain on jv or a player on varsity. I’m kinda stuck between which one I should choose, Im personally fine with playing on either but which one would colleges like better? (i'm a junior btw)


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Do you want to take on the extra leadership responsibilities of being a Captain on JV, or do you want to take on the harder competition as a player on varsity? Both will look good to colleges, and you don't want to pick one just for that reason. You should pick based on which you think you will enjoy more. Colleges might like JV Captain because it's a leadership role where you're inspiring your team, or they might like Varsity player because it shows you're good at your sport. I would assume colleges would like JV captain more, but that shouldn't be the main factor in your decision.

4 years ago

Congrats on having two good options! As the others have said, it comes down to what you're looking for. If you feel that you don't have enough leadership so far, becoming JV captain could be great. If you'd rather show your athletic ability, playing varsity may be better. Colleges do like to see leadership, so JV captain may look slightly better (you'd be one person among the JV team with those extra responsibilities vs. one person with the same responsibilities as the rest of the varsity team). But please don't let this sway your decision if you think you'd be happier on varsity. Hope this helps, and best of luck!

4 years ago

I am a soccer player for my school in Florida and I suggest being a JV Captain if you really know what you are doing and want to help your team become stronger. Being a Varsity player includes skills you might want to learn and practice with your team. My friend is a Varsity player because he is good at what he does. He said, "it is not bad once you learn the basics and strategies your opponents try to use. So next time after practicing the move and figuring out alternatives, you could be able to do better."

So to me, you should find out what your strength is; practice with someone or on your own. It depends on you what you have accomplished already. According and adding to @ajdekonick's response, "It does not really matter which one would be better to colleges. Just trust your heart and choose what you are good at."

I hope this helps and good luck =)

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