3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to get 100% scholarship in harvard , stanford , yale , princeton or anyother famous universities?

How to get 100% financial aid being an international student with family annual income less than $ 65 000 ?

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2 answers

3 years ago

Let's begin with the terms "need-blind", "need-aware", and "meeting 100% of financial need".

Need blind - means that the institution does not factor in your ability to pay during the admissions process.

Need aware - means that the institution will factor in your ability to pay during the admissions process.

100% of financial need met - means that the institution's financial aid office will create an individualized package which may include grants (non-payable loans, institutional and private party loans that you must repay, work-study employment at the school, and other forms of aid (Americans get PELL GRANTS and sometimes State grants as well).

Harvard, Yale, Princeton - Are need-blind and meet 100% of financial need. Their admissions criteria for Int'l students is identical to Americans.

Stanford is need-blind however they only provide 100% of the financial need for some Int'l students because their funding is limited. You must apply for financial aid upfront and have either an SSN Social security number or an ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. See the link:


UPenn, Cornell, Dartmouth, Columbia, Brown are need-aware and thus are less generous in financial aid to International Students. Therefore you may or may not get a good financial aid package. It will certainly not be as generous as the 4 schools you mentioned.

For all other Elite Universities, you should go to their individual websites and look up the information under their Admissions and Financial aid sections.

So now that you know that 3 out of the 4 schools you asked about are going to give you a great package you also need to know that the term "100% Scholarship" is not a 100%. Here are various expenses that are not covered and often required by all institutions.

-Work-study program- In many cases, you will be required to perform some light job between 5-10 hours a week.

-Summer earnings - Some colleges expect you to contribute a minimum of $2000 or up to 25% of your summer earnings between semesters. These are either income from jobs you get on your own, or from internships, college jobs, or other sponsored employment.

-Travel costs - You will be required to provide your own travel to and from the institution for the 4 years. Depending on where you live, this could be $10,000 if you live in Australia or Asia and are traveling to Boston or NYC.

-Student Visas and other travel documentation - You will have to apply to the US Dept of State and pay for such things.

-Technology - If you need a laptop, printer, accessories, software, you will be required to get your own technology

-Personal expense - Most students budget for personal expenses for things like haircuts, toiletries, clothing, home goods (sheets, comforters, towels, mini-fridge, etc) for your dorm room, and funds to go out to eat outside of the cafeteria/dining hall.

- Health insurance - Sometimes Health insurance is included and sometimes not. (Budget around $2500-$3500 per year if you have to pay for it).

Keep in mind that the schools you listed all have a 2021-2022 budget of around $83,000+ per year and by the 4th year around $95,000. So when someone is getting a "full-ride" it is usually about 90% of the costs for Americans and about 85% for Int'l students because colleges do not break it down as granular as I have.

The last thing I want to point out is that there is a correlation between the difficulty of college admissions and great financial aid. So that means more people apply to the best schools because they give the best financial aid. So that is reflected in applications and admission rates. This cycle schools like MIT, Harvard, Yale, and Columbia had between 37%-62% more applications for Early Decision/Early Action than last year. Also there are fewer spots to fill since up to 20% of Class of 24' admits took a GAP YEAR so they want to start college with the Class of 25'. Therefore admit rates are much lower for ED/EA and they will be lower for RD as well. So you may need to apply to more colleges and have different strategies as an international student to make sure you get admitted somewhere good that also has a financial aid package that you can accept and work with. Getting into any off these schools is often the bigger hurdle than figuring out how to pay.

Hope that is helpful. Good Luck

3 years ago

So assuming you are admitted there’s not any full ride sort of scholarships for Ivy or Ivy caliber schools but what some do is grant full need to students. So if a year costs 70k dollars and you can pay 5k the remainder will be provided by the school as need based aid. You’d need to submit a CSS and I believe a Fafsa then go through the aid process.

The article linked is one of the best ones I found on what need aid is. Be aware not all of the listed school give full need to international students.


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