4 years ago
Admissions Advice

how do i incorparate dance as an extraciricular ?

hi,i am a eight grader,about to be a freshman.We are doing course selections and my mom doesnt want me to do dance in school (because they do poms and are basically cheerleaders and idk why she doesnt want me doing it) i might still compete dance,but if its not in school,how am i supposed to recieve recognization??

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Maybe you could try doing some selective summer intensive programs. Try teaching dance classes to underprivileged kids. You could also start a YouTube channel that teaches dance to others and grow it. Maybe you could organize a dance fundraiser to help kids who can’t afford dance classes. Definitely go to many dance competitions. Another fun idea is trying out for the school talent show or if it doesn’t exist, organize a talent show. If you have been taking lessons at the studio for a long time, you could become dance captain. You could also become employed as a choreographer. Auditioning and joining some competitive dance groups could also help you. Maybe you could start a dance-relayed club where students put together performances for numbers.

Hope this gave you some ideas

Let me know if you have any questions

4 years ago

Definitely try making YouTube videos, I would advise against TikTok videos, because on YouTube you can easily post and share them and have that as the main focus. You can also support others and help them with dance and find online classes for yourself to get started. Join or start a talent show in the school (great way to get seen) and start a dance club. Those are some ideas I have, hope that helps.

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