4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Due to Covid all of the clubs in my school were cancelled and I did not get the opportunity to get any community service

...contd or apply to any leadership positions, do ya'll believe this will affect my applications? To add to that in our school you have to be a junior to run for a leadership position in our honor societies and other clubs. I am a Junior so if I join them again next year will it count.

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1 answer

4 years ago

Unfortunately, I think that this will affect your applications for multiple reasons. First, colleges want to see commitment, so if you weren't able to attend clubs or do community service for an entire year, the admissions officers might not be too impressed. Secondly, even though colleges might have a little bit more leniency during the admissions process because of Covid, I think that they will be looking for students that worked around this obstacle. For example, I know people that turned to teaching online such as tutoring or bringing a project into an indoor environment such as 3D-printing face shields for health workers. In other words, I think admissions officers will really value the commitment and drive of students even when they face a block such as a pandemic. And third, if you are a junior this year, trying to run for a leadership position for next year might not be too helpful since you only get part of a year to actually exercise any of your leadership privileges since college applications only look at less than half of your senior year. Basically, I don't know how much you will be able to contribute since colleges aren't just looking for the title but rather the impact.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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