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Mount Angel Seminary

Saint Benedict, OregonPrivate

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Mount Angel Seminary’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Family Opinions Short Response

100 Words

What do your immediate family members think of your decision to discern a priestly vocation?

Select-A-Prompt Short Response

100 Words

Please answer each of the following questions in 100 words or fewer

Option 1

What aspects of this type of ministry do you expect to be challenging?

Option 2

What in your past experience (work, education, military, personal, etc.) will be helpful or detrimental to your life as a priest?

Option 3

Is there anything in your past that, if known publicly, might reflect poorly on your life or bring scandal to the Church?

Home Life Short Response

100 Words

Briefly describe your home life as a child and the quality of the relationships in your family, for example, between your
parents, between parents and children, and between siblings.

Relationship with Children Short Response

100 Words

If you have children, please describe the quality of your relationship, including how frequently you visit with them.

Responsibilities toward Children Short Response

100 Words

If you have children, what are your natural responsibilities toward these children?

Conversion Short Response

100 Words

What are the reasons you converted?

Personal Statement Short Response

8 Pages

A typed autobiography of not more than 8 double-spaced pages which covers the applicant’s faith, vocational discernment, family, work, social life, achievements earned, and education history.

Religious Vows Short Response

100 Words

Have you ever made private religious vows?

Select-A-Prompt Short Response

100 Words

Please answer each of the following questions in 100 words or fewer.

Option 1

Describe the usual religious practices in your home while growing up:

Option 2

Apart from the sacraments, describe your current religious or spiritual practices:

Option 3

Which of these practices is most rewarding for you? Why?

Option 4

List the ways you have been involved in your parish (past and present), noting your age at the time of involvement (e.g., Altar Server, Reader, Choir Member, Youth Group participant, Committee member, etc.):

Option 5

In what ways has your involvement in parish ministry inspired you to serve as a priest?

Option 6

Describe your experience of and interest in Mass in other languages, such as Spanish, Latin (Ordinary or Extraordinary Form) or other

Option 7

Who are your three best friends? Describe what makes them good friends:

Option 8

Name the three most influential people in your life, and describe how they have influenced you:

Option 9

List any neighborhood, civic, social, or service organizations to which you belong:

Option 10

Describe any leadership roles you have assumed in your free time or volunteer activities:

Select-A-Prompt Short Response

100 Words

Please answer each of the following questions in 100 words or fewer.

Option 1

. List the names of blogs, newspapers, magazines, periodicals that you read regularly (online or in print):

Option 2

Name two or three of your favorite books, and describe why you enjoy them:

Option 3

Why do you want to serve in your (Arch)Diocese or religious order as a priest?

Option 4

Have you ever had a long-term relationship that was more than mere friendship? If yes, briefly describe the quality of that relationship, including how it ended:

Option 5

Have you ever been engaged to be married? If yes, briefly describe the quality of that relationship, including how it ended:

Option 6

What is your understanding of the priestly promise of chaste celibacy?

Option 7

What is your understanding of the promise of obedience?

Option 8

What do you regard as your particular talents or strongest qualities? Why?

Option 9

What do you see as potential areas of personal growth for you? Why?

Option 10

Describe the priest you dream of being, and why:

Select-A-Prompt Short Response

100 Words

Please answer each of the following questions in 100 words or fewer

Option 1

From your perspective right now, what do you believe will be the most difficult thing about being a priest? Why?

Option 2

From your perspective right now, what do you look forward to in the seminary? Why?

Option 3

From your perspective right now, what challenges do you anticipate in the seminary? Why?

Option 4

If you were not to become a priest, what other careers would you consider? Why?

Option 5

What hobbies do you have?

Option 6

What do you do for relaxation?

Option 7

Explain your understanding of the mission of the Church. How should priests and lay men and women collaborate in this

Option 8

Please comment on sharing ministerial responsibilities with lay men and women.

Option 9

How do your religious beliefs influence your political opinions, and vice-versa?

Option 10

What aspects of ministering to people who are from a different culture, or who don’t speak your native language,
appeal to you?

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