3 years ago
Admissions Advice

i have low GPA. around 3.13. so can i get into top colleges?

i really messed up in my freshman year of my high school and got low GPA. i am currently in junior year of high school. So, how can i increase my chances to get into top colleges like Stanford, MIT, Harvard and much more.


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

While GPA is only 1 piece of the puzzle, it's perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle for college admissions. The others being course rigor, class rank, intellectual curiosity/vitality, ECs, Essays, Recommendations, Test scores, and personal character.

At the 3 schools you listed, after looking at the Common Data sets, my observations concluded the following:

99.70% had a GPA higher than 3.25 at Stanford

99.57% had a GPA higher than 3.25 at Harvard

My best guess is 100.00% had a GPA higher than 3.25 at MIT because they are stats-driven, have no recruited athletes, or legacy applicants.

Therefore I think the probabilities of getting into those schools as well as other Ivys, Top Elites, and Top Liberal arts colleges would be greatly diminished.

I think it's irresponsible for me to say college admissions are holistic and with better planning and results you can move up the ranks to get into a top college in 2 years when you apply.

Your best chance of getting in would require you to repeat those classes or take your entire 9th-grade year over so your low grades are completely expunged from the record. If you can't do this, then I would recommend that you do an extra year of high school. If you are a US Citizen or permanent resident or have status in the US, then I would recommend that you attend a low-cost community college for 2 years to take all your core requirements and get straight As. Although it would be quite difficult to apply at a transfer to these schools, I know that there are other top colleges with better transfer admission rates like Dartmouth, Cornell, NYU, etc.

I wrote a blog post about it a week ago, that didn't have much traction but it's still valid. I think many students are just too overconfident in their ability to weather the storm of college admissions. They have no Plan B or C.


Good luck.

3 years ago

I recommend you taking a lot of AP, Dual enrollment and AICE classes if your school offers them. This is a good way to raise your weighted GPA but don’t forget to get good grades in these classes because they are not a walk in the park. Also, participate in more extra curricular activities this year along with volunteering.

More importantly, prepare for your college essay!! Good luck :)

3 years ago

You need to stay very diligent and get really good grades in your junior and senior years. Also, take lots of extracurriculars and AP classes. If you are applying to Harvard, then you need 4 years of a foreign language. You need to improve your GPA and get a good score on the SAT or ACT. Good luck, hope this helps!

3 years ago

One thing to note is that Stanford dosent consider freshman grades, so that may be one thing to keep in mind. If you can show an upward trend in grades, colleges will be very impressed. Good luck!

3 years ago

Hi, I think you still have a chance to step ur game you will definitely need to sign up for after-school classes and get a tutor and turn in ur homework early and do every little thing you can do to pull up. I'd suggest giving ur phone a break and studying whenever you can. Hope that helps :)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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