3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are we able to major and minor

I am in grade 11 thinking of applying

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

In short, yes, you can double major, double minor, or major and minor at most schools across the country. However, there are some schools that do not offer this for whatever reason (they are too small, they don't want students to spread themselves too thin, etc.). I would say if you are just asking in general, then usually yes. If you are thinking about specific school(s), I would google their policies or reach out to an admissions counselor to ask. Good luck!!

3 years ago


Most colleges and universities allow you to pursue a double major or concentration as some Ivy League schools call it.

At MIT - "You may not pursue a second major in the same area as your primary major or in either field of composite degrees."

At Princeton - They will not permit a double major however, you can earn multiple Certificates in a variety of subjects and many Princetonians have 1 or 2 additional certificates ( or minors ) by the time they graduate.

(copied from the Princeton website)

"Although Princeton does not offer dual majors, there is sufficient flexibility in the program of study for students to pursue multiple interests. Interdepartmental certificate programs provide structure and recognition for interdisciplinary study."

Keep in mind that a double major will require you to take more classes in your allotted 4 years, sometimes extending your matriculation and extra semester or requiring you to attend summer sessions. Also, you if you attend a Liberal Arts College and double major, you are going to have both majors show up under the same BA degree.

A more impressive route is to seek out colleges that offer a Dual Degree in your intended majors and try to get a B.A. (Social Science Track) or B.S. (science Track) in economics and BS in CS. Or try to find a BS/MS degree that takes 5 years where you get something similar but more impressive than a double major. If you ever want to teach or enter a PhD program, the MS will look better as well as having a dual degree.

Hope that helps you.

3 years ago

Yes, you can major and minor! There are many combinations you can do: major and minor, double major, double minor, double major with a minor, etc. However, you cannot only minor in something; you obviously need a major attached to it. Also, check your prospective colleges' policies. Some may not provide the minor you may want or even allow minors and/or double majors at all.

Also, one thing to note is that minoring/double-majoring has its pros and cons. While you are able to gain professional benefits from it and expand your knowledge in a different field, it can also increase tuition costs and workload. However, if that isn't much of a problem for you, then go for it!

3 years ago

Yes you can have a major and a minor!

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