2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Gap-year, Ukraine, test-optional, financial aid and LGBTQ+ (sucks to be me)

So I'm from Ukraine and I decided to take a gap year to start transitioning (yes, I'm trans) and prepare for exams (SAT, TOEFL and national exams). But since 24th of february my life became uncertain as hell, I can't do anything feeling like I'm stuck in some sort of limbo. But I need to get into good college in US or Canada and I need financial aid. About my stats rn:

1. i won state level chem olimpiad but due to war nationals weren't held. Also I was going to participate in one state-wide english olympiad in the 27th of february. Also I was qualified for biology and physics state-wide olympiads also.

2. I was performing on multiple national projects which have selection routes for those who are willing to participate (national astronomy summer camp, great debate, and 2 more)

3. I was part of student council and took part in organization of the events since freshman year up until mid-senior.

4. Also I have a 3rd place in state level art competition.

5. I received gold medal in academics for having straight-A's in each year of my highschool. (dunno about my gpa though)

There are some more but rn I don't have time to write about them. Tell me honestly if I have a chance to get accepted without SAT (I'm 100% not taking it due to my circumstances) but with need of partial to full financial aid (I'm not sure about my financial abilities rn) . Also if anyone doesn't mind, do you know who can help me with essays for free or atleast not a big payment (my financial situation really sucks).

Thanks for reading all of my rambling:)


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Honesty, I'm 100% certain that all Top 25 colleges in the US are looking for Ukrainian Poster Students to host and award full ride scholarships to regardless of their orientation. Since you probably don't know a lot about American colleges I will say that the very best financial aid is readily available to most competitive colleges. So as a international applicant that requires a full ride I would focus on only applying to the very best universities in the US. Since you are a transitioning person, I personally feel you would be more welcome have have more support at schools like Harvard, UPenn, NYU, Columbia, Brown, than more conservative Christian (Jesuit) colleges like Georgetown, Boston College or the University of Notre Dame. Mind you all these Jesuit schools do have trans persons on campus but there might be in the single digit numbers. At UPenn, there are close to 650 LGBTQIA members at the Wharton School club so you will have much more of a community of people to interact with on a day to day basis.

In addition to Ivy League Colleges, I would say that these colleges are very LGBTQIA friendly:

-Carleton College

-Oberlin College

-Bowdoin College

-Bennington College

-Harvey Mudd (Part of the 5Cs Claremont colleges in CA)

-Reed College (Portland OR)

-Grinnell College

-Olin Engineering

-Vassar College

-Bryn Mawr/Mount Holyoke (if you are a trans woman since they are women's colleges).

-I wouldn't worry about the SAT or ACT.

-I would however focus on making sure your essays are the very best that they can be written in your own voice. (Be extremely careful that you do not have someone write your essays for you because every admission officer will be extremely careful reading these. If you have a "tell" which is not consistent with the way you use the English language to write your supplemental essays or short answer questions etc, the will red flag your application and if will not be prioritized no matter how great an essay it is. Therefore, write as much of them as possible and only use people to make suggestions.

-The best thing you can do it present your story as accurately and honest as possible and explain that you are part of a marginalized population is the middle of a war defending against Russia who is entirely anti-trans, anti-LGBTQIA as well. If you were ever to meet a Russian soldier, you have the very highest chances of being killed on the spot or tortured extensively first.

-I don't know what kind of technology/equipment you have access to but in your case, I think I would recommend that you have a social media footprint. Be careful not to disclose your location, but I think many people in the US and the rest of world would like to know about your day to day life as a trans person in the middle of warzone. That is just my 2 cents. I think if you are have a decent audience on tiktok, instagram, facebook, twitter about your journey to an American college, I think the colleges themselves would be more compelled to help you find that solution. And if you did gain some kind of large following, that could serve a practical purpose in helping fund your college admissions journey and also any expenses related to your transitioning journey.

in a weird way, the war in Ukraine may actually work to your advantage and it was serendipitous to take a GAP year.

Good luck.

2 years ago

In the US at least (I don't live in CA) especially after the pandemic test blind and test-optional is an option at pretty much all universities (though you should still check by school) but mostly it is optional and at some SAT/ACT are considered at all. Additionally, I would recommend explaining your situation in the supplemental essay part of the application process because admissions offices do take the personal situation into heavy consideration. Between your achievements as well as your situation I am almost certain that a missing SAT score would not at all negatively impact your chances. Unrelated, but you should also take advantage of what is otherwise a terrible situation when it comes to international scholarships as well, as you clearly have a good academic and community record.

2 years ago

Review the videos on this website about college essays. There are lots of good resources on social media about college essay tips as well.

Research colleges that give lots of financial aid to international students. Ukraine students may have increased chances right now due to the terrible situation there.

I wish you luck and safety!

2 years ago

Without considering your other profile stats, I would say that you do have a good chance of getting accepted to top US schools. Many of these schools offer the best financial aid packages in the US, so you will get close to full ride if accepted. This blog post has a list of the specific schools that give full rides to international students.

For free essay help, you can use CollegeVine's peer essay review service. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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