4 months ago
Admissions Advice

Will graduating early affect college admittance/scholarship viability?

I'm graduating a year early from high school (currently in my sophomore year). From everything I've seen, colleges generally don't care much if someone graduates a year early, unless they think that the student may be emotionally unprepared to be in a class of older peers, or if there are other factors like bad grades. I have had all A's in high school with all honors classes, and I plan on taking several AP classes next year (Calculus and the 2 AP physics courses my school offers). I want to go to college for mechanical engineering, possibly abroad (I live in the US), and I'm curious whether graduating early will affect my chances at this. I know that the international baccalaureate is very difficult, and if I do decide to go to an international school, I will probably take a gap year to prepare for it. I will have at least 28 high school credits (I haven't decided yet how many community college classes I will take next year) at the end of my junior year, and I am on my school's robotics team, as well as my city's youth orchestra. My GPA is currently 4.375, and assuming I get A's in my AP classes next year, it will go up. Thoughts?

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2 answers

4 months ago[edited]

@ratoframpage, I know you said you have all A's and Honors, but I am not sure how you will do against people that are seniors and have taken insane amount of classes, for me, I am only freshman and I have 4 honors and 1 AP.

But if you truly do well next year in all of your AP classes, you will do very good, but those will probably not be enough for ivy leagues if that is your goal, also academics is not the only thing that is important, ECs are important too, and losing about on the year of high school could result you in having less chance for ECs.

In short, You academics are really good if you can do everything you said, 4.375 is pretty good for most schools, but if you are aiming for ivy leagues, you should stay and level yourself up.

There is also more information in this chat: https://www.collegevine.com/questions/36574/does-graduating-early-effect-admission-to-college

4 months ago

I think your fine, you have a good gpa and course rigor

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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