CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Tough equations to solve?

Hey! I wanna challenge myself with some difficult equations to solve, maybe related to real-world problems or the college admissions process. Can someone recommend any problems or resources to find su …

2 months ago

Best colleges for gamers?

Hey guys, I'm really into gaming and esports, and I'm wondering which colleges are best for students with that passion? Are there specific programs, clubs, or even scholarships for gamers that I shoul …

2 months ago

PSAT 10 Percentiles - How do they work?

Hey there! I was wondering if anyone could explain how PSAT 10 percentiles work? What does it mean to be in a certain percentile and how important are they for college admissions?

2 months ago

Looking back: SAT test dates

I'm a little bit stressed about managing my time regarding the SAT. I was wondering if anyone who has already gone through the SAT process could share some insights on when it's best to take it, how m …

2 months ago

Essential SAT Math Formulas to Memorize?

I'm currently prepping for the SAT and, as we all know, the math section requires knowledge of some formulas. What are the most important formulas that I should definitely have memorized before test d …

2 months ago

Tips for self-studying AP Macroeconomics?

I'm thinking of self-studying AP Macroeconomics and came across the idea of practice tests. Are there any good practice tests available online that you could recommend? Any other resources or tips wou …

2 months ago

PSAT Deadline?

Hi! I'm a bit confused about when the deadline is for the PSAT registration. Can someone help me out with this?

2 months ago

Is a weighted GPA out of 4 or 5?

What's up everyone? I've been calculating my GPA, but there's something I'm not sure of. Is the weighted GPA scale out of 4 or out of 5? Can someone shed some light on this?

2 months ago

How can I find more practice tests for the SAT?

Hi everyone, I'm in search of some more practice tests for the SAT. I've already run through some of the popular resources out there, so I'd love to get some lesser-known suggestions. Please let me kn …

2 months ago

University of Tampa test optional

Hey folks! I've got a question regarding the University of Tampa. Do they have a test optional policy for admissions? Just trying to gauge whether I need to prioritize testing or focus on other aspect …

2 months ago

Georgia Tech SAT Requirements

Hey everyone, I'm hoping to apply to Georgia Tech in the future. Can someone tell me what the SAT requirements are for admission? What score should I aim for to maximize my chances of getting in?

2 months ago

Loyola University Chicago - Admitted GPA?

Hey! I've been looking into Loyola University Chicago for college and I want to know what the average GPA is for admitted students. Can someone please help me out with information on Loyola University …

2 months ago

IB Chemistry: Tips and resources?

I'm about to start the International Baccalaureate program, and I've chosen Chemistry as one of my subjects. Any advice, resources, or study tips for succeeding in IB Chemistry?

2 months ago

Number of UC Schools in California

I've been looking into the University of California system for college, but I'm a bit confused. How many UC campuses are there in total throughout California?

2 months ago

Finding Old SAT Scores

Is there any way to find my SAT scores from a few years ago? I didn't think I would need them, but now I'm applying to college and could use the info. Also, how long are SAT scores considered valid?

2 months ago

Best AP Chemistry Prep Book

Hey there, I'm currently taking AP Chemistry and I want to start preparing for the exam. Can anyone recommend the best AP Chemistry prep book out there? I'm aiming for a high score. Thanks a lot!

2 months ago

SAT Results

Hey there! I just took the SAT and now I'm anxiously waiting for my results. Does anyone know how long it generally takes for the scores to come out? Thanks!

2 months ago

UPenn admission difficulty level?

Hi guys, I've been looking into the University of Pennsylvania and I'm quite impressed. I was wondering, how hard is it to get into Penn? What kind of GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars do they ge …

2 months ago

Financial Aid at James Madison University?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about applying to James Madison University, but I'm curious about the financial aid they offer. Does anyone have experience with their financial aid process? Are they genera …

2 months ago

Improving my ACT Math score?

Hi everyone, I need help with improving my ACT Math score. Are there any resources or strategies you guys have used that have made a significant difference? I'd appreciate any advice you can give me.

2 months ago
Displaying questions 28701-28720 of 80468 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.