CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

UPenn admission difficulty level?

Hi guys, I've been looking into the University of Pennsylvania and I'm quite impressed. I was wondering, how hard is it to get into Penn? What kind of GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars do they ge …

2 months ago

Financial Aid at James Madison University?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about applying to James Madison University, but I'm curious about the financial aid they offer. Does anyone have experience with their financial aid process? Are they genera …

2 months ago

Improving my ACT Math score?

Hi everyone, I need help with improving my ACT Math score. Are there any resources or strategies you guys have used that have made a significant difference? I'd appreciate any advice you can give me.

2 months ago

What is the average GPA of students at Providence College?

Hi everyone! I've been looking into Providence College and want to know what the average GPA of students there is. I'm trying to gauge my chances of getting in. Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Rhetorical devices for rhetorical analysis essays?

Hey everyone! I need to write a rhetorical analysis essay for my English class. What are some common rhetorical devices that I should look for and analyze in the text? Also, do you have any tips on ho …

2 months ago

Where exactly is the Harvard campus located?

Hi everyone, I'm wondering about the specific location of Harvard's campus. I know it's in Cambridge, MA, but can anyone tell me what the surrounding neighborhood is like? Also, how far is it from dow …

2 months ago

Help with HSF application?

Hi there! I'm interested in applying for the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) and was wondering if anyone has experience with the application process. Can someone share some tips or insights about the …

2 months ago

Where can I find practice AP Calc AB tests?

Hey, everyone! My AP Calc AB exam is coming up soon and I'm starting to feel a little stressed about it. Does anyone know where I can find some practice tests to help me feel more prepared? Thanks!

2 months ago

University of Illinois admissions advice?

Hello! I'm a high school junior and I'm considering applying to the University of Illinois. I'm looking for any advice or experiences you guys might have on what the university values in their applica …

2 months ago

High school in order

Could someone provide a general timeline for important milestones in high school - like when to take the SAT/ACT, when to start researching colleges, and when to apply for scholarships? I want to make …

2 months ago

In search of persuasive speech topics!

Hi all! I have to give a persuasive speech in my public speaking class, but I'm struggling with picking a topic. I want something that's engaging and has enough material to research. What are some int …

2 months ago

Oneonta University Acceptance Rate

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Oneonta University but I can't find their current acceptance rate anywhere. Can someone help me out with the information? Thanks so much!

2 months ago

Impact of a 3.92 GPA on college applications

Hello, fellow juniors! I have a 3.92 GPA right now, and I'm curious about how much impact this will have on my college applications. Is this a strong GPA for top colleges? What should I be focusing on …

2 months ago

Stanford Pre-Collegiate Worth?

Hey everyone, I've been looking into Stanford's Pre-Collegiate programs for this summer. Does anyone have any experience with them? Are they actually worth the time and money in terms of helping with …

2 months ago

What's the general format of Regents Tests in NY?

Hey there, I'm going to be taking a couple of Regents Tests this year (I live in NY), but I'm not really sure what to expect. Can anyone give me a general idea of the test format and what kind of subj …

2 months ago

Navigating the MIT application process

Hey guys, I've been considering applying to MIT, but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Can y'all share some tips on how to navigate the MIT application process smoothly? Thanks!

2 months ago

How many Cal States are there in California?

Hello everyone! I'm starting to look into colleges, and I've been looking into the California State University system. I'm wondering how many Cal State campuses are actually in California? Can anyone …

2 months ago

Low cost American universities?

Hey everyone! I'm trying to find some low-cost American universities that still offer quality education. Can you suggest some schools that are more affordable, but still have good academic programs an …

2 months ago

Debate topics for high school?

Hey everyone! I'm thinking about joining my school's debate team and was wondering if you all had any ideas about interesting topics to debate that would be suitable for high school students?

2 months ago

NCCU admission requirements: What do I need to know?

Hi everyone, I'm seriously considering applying to North Carolina Central University (NCCU). Can anyone give me some insights on their admission requirements, like GPA and standardized test scores? Wh …

2 months ago
Displaying questions 28721-28740 of 80471 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.