CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Is a 2.0 GPA in university good enough?

I'm currently in university and my GPA is hovering around 2.0. I wanted to ask if this is generally considered a good GPA, or should I be working towards improving it for future job prospects?

2 months ago

How difficult is it to get into Arizona State?

I have Arizona State on my college list, and I'm trying to figure out how tough it is to get in? What kind of GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars do I need to be a competitive applicant? Are there …

2 months ago

Help with SAT Testing Registration

Hey all, I'm a junior and I need to register for the SAT soon. Can someone walk me through the registration process and what I should expect? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

RPI SAT requirements?

Hi! I'm considering applying to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to find the average SAT scores for admitted students. Could somebody help me out with th …

2 months ago

Upcoming SAT test dates for Illinois

Hi everyone, I want to take the SAT in 2023, but I'm not sure what the official test dates are for Illinois. Can anyone point me in the right direction or share the dates with me? Thanks!

2 months ago

ACT scores for Johns Hopkins University?

Hello! I'm planning on applying to Johns Hopkins University and I want to know the average ACT scores of admitted students. Can anyone give me an idea of what score range I should be aiming for? Thank …

2 months ago

Examples of Narrative Arguments?

I'm working on a school assignment and need some inspiration for my narrative argument essay. I'm not really familiar with this type of essay and would love to see some examples. Does anyone here know …

2 months ago

AP Chem 2021 MCQ - Where to Find?

Hey all! I'm prepping for my AP Chemistry exam and I'm in search of MCQs from the 2021 paper. Does anyone know where I can find them or if they're even available? I'd really like to use them for study …

2 months ago

1550 SAT Score - How does it stack up?

Hello everybody, I recently took the SAT and received a score of 1550. I feel pretty good about it, but still wondering how much it'll help in the college application process? Are there any schools wh …

2 months ago

States' average SAT scores?

Hey everyone, I was wondering if there's a source where I can find the average SAT scores for each state? I'm curious how my state compares to others. Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Essential SAT vocab - what are the most common words?

So, I'm taking the SAT soon and I've been studying for it, but I feel like I need to improve my vocabulary. Can anyone share a list of the most common SAT words or any resources to help me learn them? …

2 months ago

Northwestern application process

Hey everyone, I've been looking at Northwestern lately and I'm really interested in their programs. Could anyone who applied or is currently attending give me their advice on making my application sta …

2 months ago

What's the average ACT score for Michigan State University?

Hey there! I'm planning to apply to Michigan State University and I was wondering if anyone knows the average ACT score for admitted students. Just trying to gauge my chances. Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Average GPA for Colby College?

Hey everyone! I'm seriously considering applying to Colby College, but I'm a bit worried about my GPA. Can anyone tell me what the average GPA for accepted students is? I want to know if I have a dece …

2 months ago

What's the SAT requirement for Cornell University?

Hi everyone! I'm planning on applying to Cornell University, and I was wondering if anyone knows the SAT score range they typically admit students in? I'm trying to better understand my chances and se …

2 months ago

Average SAT Scores at Middlebury

Hey fellow juniors, I have Middlebury on my list of colleges and I'm trying to figure out if my SAT scores are good enough. Can someone hit me up with their average SAT scores for admitted students? M …

2 months ago

Best way to prepare for the SAT?

Hey everyone, I was just wondering what the most effective ways are to prepare for the SAT over the summer. Also, any suggestions for specific camps or programs that really helped you out? Thanks in a …

2 months ago

Math Cheat Sheet for SAT Prep?

Hey there! Does anyone have a solid math cheat sheet for SAT prep? I'm trying to find an easy-to-follow resource that covers important formulas and concepts so I can practice and review efficiently. T …

2 months ago

Best way to effectively practice for the SAT?

Hey y'all! I'm looking for some solid advice on how to practice for the SAT. What resources or strategies have you found helpful for preparing, and how did you create a study schedule that worked for …

2 months ago

Does Auburn require an essay for admissions?

I'm planning to apply to Auburn University, but I was curious if they require an essay for their application. Does anyone know if there's an essay component? Looking to make sure I have everything cov …

2 months ago
Displaying questions 29921-29940 of 80477 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.