CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

ACT timing and breaks

I'll be taking the ACT soon, and I'm curious about the rules for timing and breaks during the test. Are there specific time limits for each section, and how many breaks do we get? Is it enough to stre …

2 months ago

How long is the ACT test time?

I'm trying to plan my schedule for the upcoming ACT test day. How long does it typically take to finish the entire test, excluding the writing section? Any info would be helpful!

2 months ago

What's the average GPA for Marist College?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Marist College and was wondering if anyone knows the average GPA for admitted students? Thanks!

2 months ago

Maximum score on PSAT

Yo, so I'm taking the PSAT soon and I'm trying to figure out the scoring system. What's the highest possible score someone can get on the PSAT? And how important is the PSAT in college admissions?

2 months ago

What GPA scale does Rice University use?

Hi guys! I'm a junior and I've been researching Rice University. Can anyone tell me what GPA scale Rice uses for college admissions? Is it 4.0, 5.0, or something else? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

PSAT 8/9 Percentiles: How do they work?

Hey guys, I recently took the PSAT 8/9 and I'm a bit confused about the percentile thing. How do percentiles work and what do they say about my performance on the test? Any guidance is appreciated!

2 months ago

Typical SAT scores for Duke University?

Hey hey! I'm researching some top schools and Duke caught my eye. Anyone know what the average SAT score is for students who get in?

2 months ago

UChicago average ACT scores?

Hi, I'm applying to the University of Chicago and wonder if anyone knows about their average ACT scores for admitted students. My score is 31, with a plan to retake it. What range of scores do they ty …

2 months ago

Full list of college majors?

Hey all! I'm currently a high school junior and I'm starting to think about what I want to study in college. However, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all the different major options. Is there a …

2 months ago

How do ACT scores compare to SAT scores?

Hey everyone! I just got my ACT score back and I'm trying to figure out how it compares to the SAT. Does anyone know if there's a conversion chart or something similar I can use to see how my ACT scor …

2 months ago

How to practice DBQs effectively?

Hey, I'm finding DBQ essays to be the most challenging part of my AP classes, and I want to improve my skills. What's the most effective way to practice DBQs? Should I focus on timed exams, or is it b …

2 months ago

Cal Poly and its party scene?

Hi, I'm considering applying to Cal Poly, but I've heard some mixed opinions about the social atmosphere there. Is Cal Poly considered a party school or is the focus more on academics? Just trying to …

2 months ago

How much does it cost to retake the SAT?

Hi there! I'm thinking about retaking the SAT to improve my score, but I'm wondering how much it'll cost me to do so. Can anyone provide the fee information for retaking the SAT? Thanks!

2 months ago

Looking for colleges that accept AICE diplomas?

Hey everyone, I'm a high school student in the AICE program. I'm curious to know which colleges in the US accept AICE diplomas for credit or more lenient admission requirements?

2 months ago

Loyola University Chicago acceptance rate

Hey, I'm planning to apply to Loyola University Chicago. Can someone tell me the general acceptance rate for this university? I wanna get a rough idea of my chances of getting in.

2 months ago

What does Santa Clara University require for applications?

I'm going to be applying to Santa Clara University soon and I want to make sure I have everything I need for my application. What documents and materials do they require for a complete application?

2 months ago

Where can I find previous AP Statistics exams?

Hi! I want to practice using actual past AP Statistics exams. Does anyone know where I can find these previous exams? Are there any released exams available online? Thanks for your help!

2 months ago

What are the admission and application requirements for UC Santa Barbara?

Hello! I've been seriously considering applying to UC Santa Barbara and I want to know what it takes to get accepted. Can someone please give me a breakdown of their admission requirements and the app …

2 months ago

University of Alabama average SAT score?

I've been preparing for my SATs and would like to apply to the University of Alabama. Can someone tell me the average SAT score they're looking for in applicants?

2 months ago

Studying with past AP Chemistry exams?

Hello there! I'll be taking the AP Chemistry exam soon and I'm just wondering if it's worth it to go through past exams for preparation. Has anyone tried this, and did you find these exams beneficial …

2 months ago
Displaying questions 29941-29960 of 80471 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.