CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Costs at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences?

Hi all, I'm a junior and considering Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. They seem to have the program I want, but I can't seem to find a clear break down of their costs. Anyone got any in …

3 hours ago

Confused about USC Entrance Requirements?

Hey guys, so I'm planning on applying to USC and I really need a lowdown on its entrance requirements. What do they look at besides your grades and test scores? Any help is appreciated!

3 hours ago

What's the in-state tuition at University of Arkansas?

Hey guys, I'm a resident of Arkansas and I'm planning on applying for the University of Arkansas. I can't seem to find the exact information on their official website. Could anyone tell me about the i …

3 hours ago

Mercyhurst University tuition?

Hey y’all, I'm considering submitting my application to Mercyhurst University next year. I’m wondering if anyone has an idea of the tuition costs there? Thanks a lot!

3 hours ago

Biggest Private University in the US

Hi everyone! I'm leaning towards private universities and the bigger, the better. Can anyone tell me which is the largest private university in the US?

3 hours ago

What's the minimum GPA for Baylor?

Baylor's definitely on my list and I really want to get in. Does anyone know what's the minimum GPA they usually consider for admissions? It would be really helpful to know where I stand. Thanks!

3 hours ago

Total Cost for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hey, everyone! I've been checking out University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for a while. But I'm stressed about the financial part. Can anyone tell me how much I should expect to pay in tuition ( …

3 hours ago

Understanding SNHU's GPA Scale

Hey y'all, just wondering, how does the GPA scale at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) work? Does it follow the traditional 4.0 scale, or do they have a different approach to grading?

3 hours ago

Urbana University... where exactly is it?

Hey guys! I'm considering Urbana University for college. But I'm not very familiar with the place. Can anyone give me more information about Urbana University's location? Is it a good place to live?

3 hours ago

Who has the authority to deploy the military?

Bit of a political nerd here, so I'm curious, who exactly has the power to deploy the military, both at home and abroad? I tried to Google around a bit but it seems like there's a lot of variance in t …

3 hours ago

Anyone know the minimum GPA for UPenn?

Hello, everyone. I'm preparing for my college apps and I've been dreaming about University of Pennsylvania for ages. It's a super competitive Ivy, so I just wanted to check, what GPA should I be shoot …

3 hours ago

What's the in-state tuition for the University of Kansas?

Hello everyone, I'm a potential in-state student for the University of Kansas. I understand that tuition can fluctuate each year, but can anyone give me a ballpark figure of the current in-state tuiti …

3 hours ago

What's the cost of attendance at UNC Wilmington?

I'm seriously considering applying to UNC Wilmington next year but I'm having a hard time finding specific info about the cost. Do any current students or recent grads know roughly how much I should e …

3 hours ago

Scrutinizing Colleges in Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Hi, just a guy here trying to figure out his future. So, can anyone share some info on colleges in Tahlequah, Oklahoma?

3 hours ago

Full Time Jobs After Military Deployment?

Hi, I've been thinking a lot about my future lately and the idea of joining the military post-high school is appealing. But I'm also curious about what happens after completion of service. Could anyon …

3 hours ago

Where does a 1470 SAT score stand?

Hello everyone, I'm a junior and just got my SAT results back. I scored a 1470 and I'm curious, how good is that? Like what kind of schools should I be aiming for with this score? Any help would be ap …

3 hours ago

How much is the tuition at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania?

Hey, I can't seem to find clear information on tuition cost at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania. It would help me out to get confirmation from someone here as part of my financial planning for colle …

3 hours ago

University of Pacific - Where?

I came across University of Pacific while searching for colleges. Can someone help me out and tell me where this university is located?

3 hours ago

Is a 1420 SAT score competitive for college applications?

Hey folks, I recently got my SAT score and it's a 1420. I was wondering, is this score competitive enough to get into some good colleges? I'm particularly interested in pursuing engineering. Please sh …

3 hours ago

University of Wyoming - What's the Out of State Tuition?

Anybody know the out-of-state tuition for the University of Wyoming? I've been looking into their programs, but I'm originally from a different state. Hoping the costs won't be too insane!

3 hours ago
Displaying questions 21-40 of 80481 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.