CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Best Universities in Ohio Ranked

Hey everyone! As an Ohio local, I've been thinking about staying in-state for college. But, before I make my final list, does anyone have any recommendations about top ranked universities in Ohio? I'm …

3 hours ago

Jobs in the military that typically don't lead to deployment?

Hey, everyone. I'm seriously considering a career in the military, but to be honest I'm not really fond of the idea of getting deployed. Are there any roles or jobs that are less likely to get deploye …

3 hours ago

What are the biggest colleges by population?

I kinda enjoy a big crowd, becuase I feel it gives me more opportunities to meet different types of people. So, out of curiosity, what are some of the largest colleges by population? Any personal expe …

3 hours ago

Debate on attending Asian colleges?

G'day mates, I've been looking into colleges in Asia recently. I understand going abroad isn't the conventional choice, but I'm really intrigued. Could anyone drop some thoughts on the benefits and dr …

3 hours ago

Average GPA at University of Oregon?

Hey everyone! So, I've been considering University of Oregon but I’m starting to stress out about my GPA. What's the average GPA of students admitted there?

3 hours ago

Is a 28 on the ACT considered good?

Hey everyone, I just received my recent ACT results and I got a score of 28. I'm not sure how to feel about it. Is this considered a good score? Should I retake the test?

3 hours ago

What are my chances with a 3.79 GPA?

Hello everyone! I've got a 3.79 GPA as a junior and was wondering how good that is? What are some target schools you'd recommend with this GPA? Any advice would be appreciated!

3 hours ago

KU's In-State Tuition

Hey y'all! I've been researching my local universities, the University of Kansas (KU) being one of the top ones. Can anyone share how much the in-state tuition generally is at KU?

3 hours ago

Cost of attending Wichita State University?

Hi everyone, I'm starting to budget for college applications and college costs, and I'm trying to understand the tuition at Wichita State. Can anyone fill me in or know where I can find some reliable …

3 hours ago

What's Emory's Average GPA?

Hi all, I'm really eyeing Emory University for applying this year and was wondering if anyone knew what the average GPA typically is for incoming students. Is it highly competitive or do I stand a cha …

4 hours ago

UMBC vs UMD: Which should I choose?

I'm kinda stuck guys. I got accepted into both UMBC and UMD, and I'm torn. I'm not sure which one to choose. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on these two universities?

4 hours ago

George Washington University GPA requirements

Hi all, I'm thinking about applying to George Washington University. I'm a bit stressed out about their GPA requirements though. I have a cumulative GPA of 3.6 right now. Would this be competitive eno …

4 hours ago

What's the price tag for University of Hawaii?

So, I've been dreaming about going to college in Hawaii. The University of Hawaii seems like a pretty solid choice, but I'm concerned about the cost. Could anyone shed some light on the overall price …

4 hours ago

How expensive is Virginia Wesleyan University?

Hey y'all, I'm pretty serious about attending Virginia Wesleyan University. However, I'm a bit stressed over the overall costs. Can someone enlighten me about the tuition, housing and other costs rela …

4 hours ago

Financial aspect of going to University of Michigan Ann Arbor?

I'm looking at University of Michigan Ann Arbor as one of my top choices, but I'm a bit concerned about the cost. How much might I be looking at annually, including tuition, housing, books, and other …

4 hours ago

What about the cost for USC?

Hey folks, rising junior here. I've been looking into USC as one of my potential colleges, but I'm wondering what the cost of tuition might be. If anyone has any info on this, I'd truly appreciate it.

4 hours ago

My Wallet vs Carleton College – What's the actual cost?

Hey pals! I've got my sights set on Carleton College. Anyone got the lowdown on the total cost to attend – thinking tuition, housing, meal plans, etc.? Still trying to wrangle my budget for college, s …

4 hours ago

What's the demographic breakdown at MIT?

So, I've been hearing a lot about MIT but I'm curious to know about the students there. What's the diversity like? Has anyone got the stats or just general information they can share about the demogra …

4 hours ago

Grades in Fraction Form: 26/30 in Percentage

Yo folks! Just got my quiz back and I scored 26 out of 30. Can someone explain how to convert this fraction into a percentage? And what grade would this translate to?

4 hours ago

Understanding In-State Tuition for UC Berkeley

Yo peeps, a Californian here entering my senior year, and I'm taking a serious look at UC Berkeley for college. What's the lowdown on their in-state tuition? And are there any hidden costs I should be …

5 hours ago
Displaying questions 41-60 of 80481 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.