CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

SUNY Early Action deadlines and requirements?

Hi everyone! I'm looking to apply to some SUNY schools using Early Action. Does anyone have any information on deadlines, requirements, or experiences with the SUNY Early Action process? Thanks in adv …

9 hours ago

What's a competitive GPA for SUNY Oneonta?

Hey everyone! So, I've been looking at SUNY Oneonta as one of my college options. I'm wondering what kind of GPA is considered good for admission. Any insight would be much appreciated!

9 hours ago

UC Santa Cruz average SAT scores

Hey everyone, just curious, what's the average SAT score for UC Santa Cruz? I want to know if my score is competitive enough before sending it in. Thanks!

9 hours ago

NCAT acceptance rate and requirements?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in applying to North Carolina A&T State University (NCAT) in the near future. Can anyone share the latest acceptance rate, and what are the typical ACT score requiremen …

9 hours ago

How to develop good research paper questions?

I'm starting a big research paper project and want to make sure my research question is strong. What tips do you have for developing good research paper questions that are both interesting and answera …

9 hours ago

SAT and AP: Is there a connection?

So, I've been wondering... is there a connection between how well I perform on my SAT and my AP scores? Do colleges mainly look at one over the other or do they highly consider both?

9 hours ago

St. Leo Acceptance Rate

Hey everyone! I'm looking into St. Leo University and I'm curious about its acceptance rate. Does anyone have any idea about their admissions rate and how competitive it is to get in? Thanks a lot!

9 hours ago

Financial aid at Stevens Institute?

I've been accepted to Stevens Institute of Technology, and I'm concerned about the cost. Does anyone have experience dealing with their financial aid office? What kinds of scholarships or aid packages …

9 hours ago

Is SMU hard to get into?

Hey, I've been researching SMU for a while now, and I can't seem to get a clear answer. Would y'all say that SMU is hard to get into or is it relatively manageable? Any tips for increasing my chances …

9 hours ago

Best schools for journalism?

Hi peeps, I'm looking to major in journalism and become a reporter in the future. Can someone recommend some top journalism schools? Preferably ones that have a good mix of practical experience and th …

9 hours ago

Sam Houston State University SAT requirements?

Hey y'all, I'm currently a junior and starting to look at colleges. I was wondering if anyone knows what the SAT requirements are for Sam Houston State University? I'd really appreciate the info, than …

9 hours ago

Calculating NMSQT index

Hey guys! Does anyone know how to calculate your NMSQT index? I'm curious about how it works and whether I might have a shot at National Merit. Thanks in advance!

9 hours ago

Looking for schools with early action options

I want to start applying to colleges soon and I'm really interested in early action programs. Can anyone recommend some schools that offer early action? Also, what are the benefits of applying early a …

9 hours ago

What math courses are popular in high school?

From what I've seen, there are several math courses high school students can take. I'm currently a freshman and trying to plan out my schedule for the next few years. Can anyone help me understand whi …

9 hours ago

Southern Methodist University acceptance rate?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and the Southern Methodist University caught my attention recently. What's the current acceptance rate? Any insights from those who have applied or got accepted would be super a …

9 hours ago

What's the minimum GPA for SMU admission?

Hi everyone! Southern Methodist University (SMU) has caught my attention recently, and I'm thinking about applying. I'm curious about their minimum GPA requirement and what the average GPA is for stud …

9 hours ago

Is getting a 31 on the ACT considered good?

So, I just got my ACT score and I got a 31. Is this a good score, or should I retake the test and aim for a higher score? I'd appreciate any feedback and advice on my score's impact on college admissi …

9 hours ago

Upcoming Fall ACT dates?

I'm planning on taking the ACT in the fall, but I'm not sure when all the test dates are scheduled. Are the dates already available, or should I wait to find that information?

9 hours ago

Registering for the SAT - how does it work?

Hi everyone! I've decided to take the SAT, but I'm not sure how to register for it. Can someone please explain the process and any important deadlines or test dates I should be aware of? Thank you!

9 hours ago

Is a 3.11 GPA considered decent for college applications?

Hey everyone! I'm a high school junior and my current GPA is 3.11. I'm worried it might not be good enough for college applications. Should I try to improve it, or is it decent enough as is? Thanks!

9 hours ago
Displaying questions 81-100 of 52334 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.