CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Has anyone taken film classes at UCSB?

Hey, y'all! I'm a junior in HS and thinking about going into film. I'm curious about UC Santa Barbara's film program. If you've taken any film classes at UCSB or know anyone who has, could you please …

4 months ago

Albright College Athletics—What's it like?

Hey! For those of you who go (or went) to Albright College, how's their athletic program like? What sports are offered, and what's the overall vibe surrounding their teams? Any memorable experiences o …

4 months ago

What division does Harvard's sports teams compete in?

I'm a junior in high school and looking into colleges. I know Harvard's big on academics, but I'm also interested in their sports scene. Can anyone tell me what division Harvard's sports teams compete …

4 months ago

Value of Chemical Engineering at Johns Hopkins?

I'm interested in studying chemical engineering and want to know more about the program at Johns Hopkins. Is it worth considering, and how does it compare with other highly ranked programs? If anyone …

4 months ago

Top IT Programs?

I'm a junior trying to figure out the best colleges for information technology programs in the US. Can anyone suggest some schools that excel in this field?

4 months ago

UCI Human Biology Program

What's the reputation of the Human Biology program at UCI? I'm considering applying and would appreciate any info about it!

4 months ago

Legitimate reasons for deferring admission?

What are some solid reasons for deferring college admission for a year? If I decide to pursue this option, I want to be sure they are persuasive enough. Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

Georgia Tech Industrial Engineering Major

Hi everyone! I've been researching Georgia Tech's industrial engineering program and would love to hear from current students or alumni. What are your thoughts on the program's coursework, professors, …

4 months ago

SDSU Business Ranking—What Can I Expect?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to San Diego State University for business. I'm curious, how well regarded is their business program? If anyone knows their ranking or has direct experience with …

4 months ago

University of Miami Math Department—Thoughts?

Hey guys and gals, I'm currently researching potential colleges and I'm really interested in the University of Miami's math department. Can anyone provide information about the overall quality of the …

4 months ago

Location of NKU?

Hey! I've recently been researching colleges, and I found out about Northern Kentucky University (NKU). But I didn't manage to find the exact location—could someone here tell me which city and state i …

4 months ago

Top colleges in Michigan?

So, I'm looking to stay in Michigan for college. Can you recommend any great universities or colleges in the state? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

4 months ago

OSU Demographics - Thoughts and Experiences?

For anyone attending or familiar with Oregon State University, how diverse is the student population? Can you share your experiences with the demographics at OSU?

4 months ago

Which universities have the best photography programs?

Hey guys! I'm a junior and really passionate about photography. I'd love to study it in college, but I'm not sure which schools have the best programs. Can anyone recommend some universities with exce …

4 months ago

List of colleges starting with the letter M?

I'm on a hunt for more college options and I'd like to make a list of colleges starting with the letter 'M'. If anyone has suggestions, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

4 months ago

WWU English Department - Thoughts?

Yo, I've been thinking about majoring in English at Western Washington University. Does anyone have any experience with their English department? How are the professors and classes? Thanks!

4 months ago

Bridgewater State University Student Population

Hello! As I'm looking into Bridgewater State University as a potential college choice, I'm curious about the size of its student population. Can anyone provide information on the total number of under …

4 months ago

UMass Amherst Chemical Engineering Program

I'm really interested in the chemical engineering program at UMass Amherst! Does anyone have any insights about the quality of the program and the courses offered? Also, how difficult are the classes, …

4 months ago

UD Math Program - How is it?

Hello everyone, I'm considering the math program at University of Delaware (UD). Can anyone share their experiences or give me a heads up about the quality of the courses and faculty? Thanks in advanc …

4 months ago

Best Colleges for Men's Soccer - Recommendations?

Hey guys! I'm a high school junior and soccer player, looking for colleges that have excellent men's soccer programs. Can you help me out with some recommendations? If you could also mention any schol …

4 months ago
Displaying questions 44481-44500 of 80471 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.