Meet your AI Recruiter

Your newest AI teammate is ready to venture into the world and build relationships with students — from prospect to enrollment.

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Talk to an AI Recruiter


Monza University

Say hello to your AI Recruiter 🤝 and say goodbye 👋 to generic Search funnels

Your AI Recruiter is your newest team member, dedicated to working 1-on-1 with all of your leads from prospect to enrolled — completely on your behalf.


Train your AI

Train your own AI Recruiter effortlessly so that it represents your school like a team member.


Upload your leads

No matter the source, your AI Recruiter can handle a caseload of hundreds of thousands.


Watch it recruit

Your AI Recruiter will reach out, build relationships, and guide students on their journey to you.

Capable of connecting with students across any medium. For starters:

call Phone
mail Email
markunread_mailbox Mail
chat SMS
redeem Swag
Book a demo

Your AI Recruiter proactively builds relationships with every student in your funnel on your behalf

Reach any of your students

Simply upload your existing prospect list or define your ideal class profile. No matter the source, watch your AI autonomously take each student down their ideal journey to enrollment.

Give 1-1 attention to everyone (even your prospects)

Watch AI recruit on your behalf

Like a member of your staff, your AI Recruiter will introduce themselves to your students, building strong 1-on-1 relationships to guide students to your school.

Your AI Recruiter can work with students across multiple communication channels like phone, email, mail, SMS, and more.

Start delighting your students now

Marvel as your AI improves

Your AI recruiter will dynamically adapt strategies to suit individual preferences. Over time, your AI learns how to better treat each student, getting more effective at recruiting for your school.

Don’t miss this cycle’s worth of training data

Train your AI Recruiter on what makes your school special

We think you’ll love your AI Recruiter

The new AI recruiter system is a game-changer for prospect management. Finally, a system that allows us to engage and interact with every student with the personalized and more significantly, the customized, attention they deserve, to drive inquiry conversions and qualified applicants. Delivering white-glove recruiting experiences at scale is like adding a team of laser-focused counselors and admissions experts who are always there and providing information directly linked to the dynamic and evolving interests and behaviors of the students.

Joel Bauman SVP Enrollment Management, Duquesne University

Join the AI Enrollment revolution today

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Students in this generation are AI natives. They are growing up interacting with various AIs and have learned how to utilize them as partners in various tasks and pursuits.

In all our testing with students, we’ve found they almost unanimously prefer to engage with AIs because of how fast, personalized, and low-pressure they are. Consider how many students are sometimes afraid to talk to admissions officers at the earliest part of the journey — AIs provide an impartial resource that students can trust, breaking down barriers to engagement.

And of course, your AI Recruiter can always introduce your students to their appropriate admissions counselor if they ask.

Training your AI Recruiter typically takes about 4 weeks and 10 total hours of staff time. You train your AI Recruiter just like you would another staff member, by providing lots of things to read and doing explicit training sessions.

Start by uploading as much content about your school as you like: websites to crawl, your course catalog, brochures about study abroad, etc. Your AI Recruiter reads all of it and becomes an expert on your institution.

From there, your AI Recruiter schedules 15-minute interviews with your staff to ask about the softer parts of your school: what’s the culture like, what do students do for fun, what are some unique traditions? Your AI Recruiter asks for all the information it feels it doesn’t know. We recommend hosting about 15 interviews to capture a wide variety of perspectives on your school.

Finally, you’ll configure your AI Recruiter across a number of settings: which types of students it should engage with, which mediums of communication can it use, what is its personality like, etc.

Nope! You can upload leads from any source to your AI Recruiter. Think of it like assigning a caseload to a new team member. Your AI Recruiter can treat students across all high school classes as well as parents!

While it’s impossible to fully prevent occasional inaccurate information (even with human team members!), we’ve designed our AI Recruiters to have exceptionally advanced guardrails when engaging with students.

What you don’t observe when you’re engaging with your AI Recruiter is that there are actually many AIs behind the scenes working together to power up how your AI Recruiter engages with students. We have a stringent moderation and fact-checking layer powered by additional AIs that screen all content shared by your AI Recruiter in real-time. These layers confirm that everything the AI Recruiter is sharing is supported by your training vault and flags.

This technology makes inaccuracies much more statistically anomalous — we wish our human team members had their own AI moderators and fact checkers!

Your AI Recruiter knows if it hasn’t been trained on a specific area of question and will flag that to a student, letting them know that the AI Recruiter will check with your team for the right answer.

As your team shares the additional information with the AI Recruiter in your training vault, it follows up with the student and commits the new info to memory forever!

Your account on CollegeVine shows extensive reporting across three key areas:

  1. Aggregate metrics on how your funnel is performing, how many interactions are happening, and any trends in interactions
  2. Insights into discussions, including what content is coming up most often, how your brand is resonating throughout the market, and how your prospective students are feeling
  3. Notable interactions your team should look at, including exceptionally positive ones that will make you proud of your AI Recruiter!

Your AI Recruiter can control the marketing journey for your prospective students by sending them branded emails and even direct mail. All content is personalized to the student based on everything your AI Recruiter has learned about them, as well as how they’ve been responding to various engagements.

Your AI Recruiter is capable of fully designing mail across 35 different mail formats we support. You can also upload your own mail templates and have the AI Recruiter choose which format is best for each student. Once your AI Recruiter decides to send a mailer to a student, it passes off the finalized piece to our third-party mail service and has it sent out the next business day. No printing needed on your side!

To leverage direct mail, simply enable mailing in your AI Recruiter setup, set a total budget, and specify any segments you want to receive mail. Your AI Recruiter will then optimize all mailing to minimize cost while maximizing impact.

Absolutely not! The data is very clear: touchpoints with your team are incredibly impactful in driving students to yield at your institution. We wish we could scale those 1-1 interactions across your entire funnel but it’s just not realistic.

We leverage AI Recruiters to scale 1-1 guidance at the top of your funnel so that your team can focus on engaging directly with students at the admit stage. Tripling down on your efforts there increases the value of the entire team’s time, while having a dramatic impact on yield rates.

It absolutely can. Many of our partners have completely canceled their outsourced enrollment marketing efforts because they’re tired of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for the production of a generic 20-email journey and a single printed mail piece. Students expect more as they make the most important decision of their lives.

Our AI Recruiters run their entire marketing journey for your prospective students, not only sending out unique emails and mailers across the journey from your institution, but also reaching out 1-1 to build a direct relationship. And every cycle, your AI Recruiter learns from its interactions with millions of students to optimize how engages. The result is an ever-improving funnel that provides a brand experience for your students that you’ll be extremely proud of.

Great question! We have some exciting announcements coming in the very near future :)