Yana Mkrtchyan
Yana Mkrtchyan


Fun Facts
First job
Classic Skating

Dream job
Video Game Designer

Favorite book

Favorite subject in school

Advising hours

College admissions advising

$100.00 / 60 min

Set a focus for each session or get help with any aspect of the admissions process.

Join a quick meeting
Let’s chat
Any questions? Let’s hop on a quick call to learn more about your needs in the admissions process and how I can approach them
Join a quick meeting
Let’s chat
Any questions? Let’s hop on a quick call to learn more about your needs in the admissions process and how I can approach them
Fun Facts
First job
Classic Skating

Dream job
Video Game Designer

Favorite book

Favorite subject in school
Tips for success
1. Prepare for your first session
Plan out the questions and topics you'd like to discuss. If you'd like to work together in the long term, discuss expectations for each other.