
Hey everyone! I'm Jeff, a recent graduate from the University of Pennsylvania (Class of 2020). In college, I studied Statistics and Actuarial Science in the Wharton School of Business, and I'm currently working as an Actuarial Analyst in New York City. In my free time, you'll often find me jamming out on the guitar, piano, or violin (music is a huge part of my life; I'm either listening or playing myself for hours every day). I'm also big on sports and love playing volleyball, basketball, and tennis. I found an interest in college advising when, after I had graduated from high school and was absolutely loving my college experience, I started helping students from my high school prepare their applications and essays. I realized that through the arduous and somewhat mystifying process of applying to college, I had accumulated experience on different areas of an application that many students can improve upon. Being able to save students from my own pitfalls and ultimately see them succe...

New York, NY

Essay review

Full Review

$20.00 + 6 cents per word
Estimated return time: 27 hours


A comprehensive review of your essay draft. Recommended if you have a rough or strong draft.

Recent reviews

3.6(8 reviews)

“The review was extensive and astute. This feedback will help me polish and rework my essay!"

Collin M.

“He is too harsh when it comes to reviewing and doesn't edit the essay except highlighting sentences that seems to be irrelevant. "

Alba E.

“bro's chill"

Arthur H.
New York, NY
Tips for success
1. Prepare for your first session
Plan out the questions and topics you'd like to discuss. If you'd like to work together in the long term, discuss expectations for each other.