Lori Zomback
Lori Zomback


Lori is a lifelong New Yorker who graduated from Cornell University, where she majored in Biology and Society and minored in Spanish. She is now back in NYC a pediatrics resident. She has mentored many students through the undergraduate and medical school application process. She is excited to meet you and craft an application that will reflect your unique, authentic self so that you can confidently enter the pre-med or medical world! Outside of school, Lori enjoys teaching fitness classes, geeking out on Shakespeare, and eating bagels.

Lori helps with…
Common App
Brooklyn, NY
6 years of experience
Cornell University – BS | Biology and Society w/minor in Spanish
Food and Nutrition
Fun Facts
Describe yourself in five words
kind, disciplined, energetic, hungry

Best piece of advice
Your application should reflect your unique personality

First job
camp counselor

Dream job

Favorite after-school activities

Favorite TV show
New Girl

Favorite food

knitting, working out, cooking

My process

I like to spend time at the beginning getting to know the client's background, passions, and goals. Then we can create a plan for how to move forward and best accomplish those goals together. I find it helpful if the client and I can communicate ahead of time in order to make the session as productive as possible.

Essay review

Essay Review

$50.00 + 2 cents per word
Estimated return time: 21 hours


Review your profile and the information provided Review your essay draft Offer detailed guidance for refining your essay topic and structure Leave in-document feedback and changes Correct grammar and punctuation (if applicable) Provide a set of clear actionable next steps

Recent reviews

4.8(19 reviews)

“Lori was absolutely fantastic! Her feedback is detailed and organized. She spent an immense amount of time with her review and comments, which helped us transform the essay. We look forward to working with her again, quite soon! "

Shanzay B.

“Great and helpful feedback!"

Ryoma S.

“I could immediately tell a great deal of thought was put into reviewing my work. Lori's feedback was more thorough and specific than I could've anticipated, and I genuinely feel like I now won't be needing any additional help. "

Sara N.
Brooklyn, NY
6 years of experience
Cornell University – BS | Biology and Society w/minor in Spanish
Food and Nutrition
Fun Facts
Describe yourself in five words
kind, disciplined, energetic, hungry

Best piece of advice
Your application should reflect your unique personality

First job
camp counselor

Dream job

Favorite after-school activities

Favorite TV show
New Girl

Favorite food

knitting, working out, cooking
Tips for success
1. Prepare for your first session
Plan out the questions and topics you'd like to discuss. If you'd like to work together in the long term, discuss expectations for each other.