Women in STEM Q&A

Recorded Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 11:00 PM

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School information

New York University | NYU

New York, NY

Ask current students who are Women in STEM questions about academics, campus life, what it means to be a woman in STEM, and more.

STEM disciplines have been predominantly filled with male educators and students. Now, women across the world are paving their way towards careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. In this Q&A session, we'll ask a panel of current women in STEM students from a variety of colleges about their experiences in their field. Webinar attendees will also get to participate in the second half of the Q&A.

Q&A Participants:

Courteney Mattison is a sophomore at NYU, majoring in Biology and minoring in Computer Science with the goal of becoming a bioinformatician. Currently, she lives in upstate New York and when not in school enjoys hiking, yoga, and playing with her dog, Willow.

Aditi Kiron is a rising junior at the Rutgers Honors College in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She is a Mathematics major on the Actuarial Sciences track, minoring in Economics and South Asian Studies. On campus, Aditi is involved in the Learning Assistant program, teaching students in Calculus recitations, she works the student activities center, and she will be a Resident Assistant in the fall. Rutgers University has become her home over the past two years, and she hopes to share all the information she has gleaned from her experiences!

Mary Catherine Lorio is a sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, majoring in physics with a certificate in Engineering and Management Systems. As far as extracurriculars are concerned, she is also an active member of the Women in Physics Group, Business Today, is VP of Recruitment and the social media manager for Pi Beta Phi, and a digital artist for 23 Cubed (a student-ran website development startup). She is passionate about quantum computing and expects to conduct research at Princeton in the field next semester. She is looking forward to meeting you all!

Anna Voss is a sophomore in Emory College majoring in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology and minoring in Quantitative Sciences (statistics). Outside of the classroom, she is very involved in the club rowing team, and serves as president of the Phi Sigma Pi Honor Fraternity. Anna is interested in pursuing a career in research, so she also spend a lot of her time in her research lab where she has worked since her freshman year.

School information

New York University | NYU

New York, NY
Your host

Undergrad College: University of Chicago

Major: Economics

Work Experience: As a Co-Founder of CollegeVine, I lead the data science and admissions curriculum teams. I have worked with thousands of students and families over the course of 8 years. I have also spent time as a senior analyst in aviation operations, strategy, and marketing.

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