Live Q&A With A University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Admissions Officer & Current Student

Recorded Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 12:00 AM

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School information

University of California, Santa Barbara | UCSB

Santa Barbara, CA

Ask a UCSB admissions officer and current UCSB student questions about what it takes to get admitted to UCSB, UCSB's application process, academics, and more.

UCSB has shut down campus visits and tours due to the coronavirus outbreak, and many families are missing out on the opportunity to learn about the college first hand from admissions staff on campus. Cuca and Adam will start the session with an in-depth overview of UCSB, covering topics ranging from admissions to academics to campus life. In the second half of the session, they'll open the floor to an audience Q&A session and answer your questions about UCSB.


Cuca Acosta - Born and raised in California, Cuca has a B.A. from UC Santa Barbara in Philosophy and an M.A. in Leadership and Liberal Studies from Duquesne University. For 18 years she has worked at UC Santa Barbara, including 15 years in the Office of Admissions. Her role includes coordinating outreach and yield activities, which generated over 110,000 applications for fall 2020. For the last eight years she has traveled the world meeting and working with counselors, students and parents who want to study in the US. She has presented at national and international conferences on both the University of California system and UCSB, Undocumented student issues, and working with first-generation college students. In her free time she loves traveling and considers her passport the best accessory in her closet. As the first and only person in her family to have a college degree, her goals are to create guidance and encouragement to students.

Adam Chohan - I am a fourth year Chemical Engineer graduating in June (2020). I am from sunny San Diego, CA, so the beach is my second home wherever I go. I am very involved in campus, mostly in Associated Students, our campus student government. I have had many positions in AS, most notably a Senator my third year and the Office of the President Chief Of Staff this year. I am also involved in a social fraternity, Muslim Student Association, Indus, and a South Asian dance team.

Image courtesy of UCSB

School information

University of California, Santa Barbara | UCSB

Santa Barbara, CA

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