Live Q&A With Current Boston College Students

Recorded Monday, May 11, 2020 at 10:00 PM

About this livestream

School information

Boston College | BC

Chestnut Hill, MA

Ask current Boston College students questions about academics, campus life, dorm living, and more.

Boston College has shut down campus visits and tours due to the coronavirus outbreak, and many families are worried about choosing a college without being able to visit in person and get a feel for campus life. In this Q&A session, we'll ask our panel of current BC students a series of questions about everything ranging from campus life to athletics to the classroom experience. Webinar attendees will also get to participate in the second half of the Q&A.

Q&A Participants:

Dylan Duffy is a sophomore at Boston College from Rochester, NY. He is double majoring in Applied Psychology and Biology and is also on the pre-medical track. Outside of his classes, Dylan serves as the co-chair of the Sophomore Leadership Council and as a member of RHA, which plans events for students on campus. In his free time, Dylan plays basketball in the highly competitive BC recreational league.

Emma Stowe is a sophomore at Boston College from Portsmouth, Rhode Island. She is double majoring in economics and English in the College of Arts and Sciences. On campus, she is a part of the sophomore residence hall leadership council, the women in business club, the women innovators network, and is a BC Big Sister. She will also be studying abroad in London at Queen Mary University next spring.

Lucas Webber is from Norwell, MA and is currently a sophomore at Boston College. He is an Applied Pshchology major with a minor in Management and Leadership. Lucas has had an on campus job ever since he got to campus and he was a part of 48 Hours council this year. Lucas will also (hopefully!) be studying abroad next year in Parma, Italy.

Nora Markey is a rising junior in the Connell School of Nursing at BC. She is from Dartmouth, Massachusetts, which is about forty five minutes from BC. On campus, she is a part of the Residence Hall Association and a lifeguard at the Rec Center. She plans to study abroad next spring in Dublin, Ireland.

Image courtesy of BCLicious

School information

Boston College | BC

Chestnut Hill, MA

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