CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Options for illness on AP exam day?

I'm stressing out because I tend to get random colds and stuff. If I wake up sick on the day of an AP exam, what should I do? Does anyone know if there are makeup dates or alternative options?

6 months ago

Are there makeup dates available for AP exams?

Hey everybody, I’m trying to figure out my schedule for next year and it’s looking like there might be a conflict where I’m unable to take an AP exam on its initial date. Does the College Board offer …

6 months ago

When are AP exam payments typically due?

Hi everyone, I'm starting to plan for my upcoming AP exams and was wondering, when are the payments usually due? I don’t want to miss any deadlines and my family is a bit stressed about fitting this e …

6 months ago

Are there any universities out with pre-med tracks like Emory's?

Hello! I've been pretty set on Emory because of their reputation for pre-med, but I'm starting to feel like I should have some backup options. I'm looking for schools that offer excellent pre-med advi …

6 months ago

Signing up for AP exams as a homeschooler/an independent student - how to do it?

So I'm homeschooled, and I'm trying to figure out how to sign up for AP exams because obviously, my 'school' doesn't offer them. I heard about contacting local schools, but what exactly is the process …

6 months ago

What are some women's colleges with strong communities like Smith College?

Hi everyone! I've been super interested in the supportive and empowering environment that women's colleges like Smith offer. Can anybody point me toward other women's colleges that have that tight-kni …

6 months ago

How crucial is the personal statement for college apps?

Hey everyone! So I've been hearing a TON about how important the personal statement is for your college application, and I'm kinda stressing. How much does it really factor into admissions decisions? …

6 months ago

Just how difficult is the AP Calculus AB exam for someone who's not a math genius?

Hello! I’m planning my schedule for senior year and wondering if I should take AP Calculus AB. I’m decent at math but no prodigy or anything. For anyone who’s taken the exam - was it a nightmare or ac …

6 months ago

Best way to wrap up a college essay?

I’m almost done with my college essay, but I’m stuck on the conclusion. How can I write a conclusion for my college essay that’s impactful but doesn’t just repeat everything I've already said? Any tip …

6 months ago

Prepping for a 5 on AP Macroeconomics?

Ok, so AP Macroeconomics is kinda freaking me out. It's a lot of info, and I wanna make sure I get a 5. Does anyone have an effective study strategy or go-to resources that made a significant differen …

6 months ago

Generating Ideas for College Essays: Any Brainstorming Tips?

The deadline is creeping up and I’m still staring at a blank document. ☹ I’ve gotta come up with a solid topic for my college essay but my mind is just blanking. Anyone have good strategies for brains …

6 months ago

Which colleges offer a similar experience to University of Maryland?

Hi folks! I toured the University of Maryland and absolutely loved it – the campus, the programs, the people, everything clicked. However, I want to have some backup options that offer similar experie …

6 months ago

Retake SAT after scoring 1510?

I just received my SAT score and it's a 1510. I know it's a good score, but I'm wondering if I should retake it to aim for a higher score, especially if I want to apply to some of the T20 schools. Wha …

6 months ago

What’s the structure of the AP English Exam?

Okay, sooo I’ve been prepping for my AP Exams and AP English is kinda freaking me out. Can someone break down what’s actually on the AP English exam for me? I know there’s a writing part but what else …

6 months ago

Study Approaches for a 5 on AP World?

History buffs, lend me your wisdom. I'm after a 5 on the AP World exam and need some pro tips. How did you guys approach studying for this beast of a test? Help a stressed junior out, please!

6 months ago

Are there colleges that permit living off campus as a freshman?

Hey everyone! I'm drafting a list of colleges to apply and wanted to know if any of you are aware of colleges that allow freshmen to live off-campus? Also, how common is it and what are the pros and c …

6 months ago

AP Microeconomics Test Length—Help a Stressed Junior Out

Okay gang, real talk. I've got a lot on my plate, and I'm wondering how long the AP Microeconomics exam is. How much endurance do I need to cultivate to get through this without crashing?

6 months ago

Writing an 'amazing' college essay?

So everyone keeps talking about crafting this ‘amazing’ college essay, but what does that really mean? How can I write an amazing college essay that feels authentic and really resonates with admission …

6 months ago

What's the required GPA for Boston University's med school?

Hi everyone! I'm a junior starting to look ahead at med school options and I wanted to know what GPA I should aim for to be competitive at Boston University's medical program. Is there a minimum GPA t …

6 months ago

How to Tackle AP World History Exam?

I could use some advice on how to effectively study for the AP World exam. If you've aced it, what was your strategy? Were there key resources or methods that really helped cut down on the amount of c …

6 months ago
Displaying questions 46801-46820 of 52334 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.