CollegeVine Expert FAQ

Explore our collection of admissions FAQs. Each answer is expert-approved by our team to help you reach your goals.

Taking classes at a community college post-graduation?

Hi! So, I'm graduating soon and I've been thinking about taking some classes at a community college after I finish up at my regular college. Does anyone know if that's doable? And if so, how would I g …

5 months ago

Best parent loans for college?

Hi everyone! My parents and I are starting to look into loans for college. What are some of the best parent loan options out there? I'm a little bit stressed, so any advice would be really helpful!

5 months ago

Best colleges for biomedical engineering

Hey, guys! I've been researching biomedical engineering as a possible major and I'm curious to know which colleges have the strongest programs in this field. Ideally, I'm looking for universities that …

5 months ago

Weighted or unweighted GPAs – what do colleges take?

When applying to college, do they generally take weighted or unweighted GPAs into consideration? My school calculates both, and there's a pretty big difference between the two. I want to make sure I'm …

5 months ago

Typical GPA for SUNY Binghamton Applicants?

I'm seriously considering applying to SUNY Binghamton. Can anyone enlighten me on the typical GPA range for applicants? I'm striving to make sure my GPA is competitive enough for admission.

5 months ago

Architecture college rankings: How important are they?

Hey everyone! I'm planning to study architecture and I'm wondering how much the college rankings should play a role in my decision. Are they super important, or should I not stress too much over it?

5 months ago

Negotiating college tuition?

So, I got into my top choice college, but the tuition is pretty high. I've heard that sometimes you can negotiate the cost, but I have no idea how to do it. Does anyone have any advice or experience w …

5 months ago

Taking a Gap Year During College

Hi everyone, I was wondering if it's a thing to take a gap year while actually in college? Like, can I start college, then take a break, and then go back? If so, how common is this, and how would it a …

5 months ago

University of Texas San Antonio: strengths?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to the University of Texas San Antonio, but I don't know much about it yet. What is it most known for academically speaking? Thanks for your help!

5 months ago

What makes Michigan State University special?

I've been considering applying to Michigan State University, but I'm curious to know what they are best known for. What programs or majors should I look into? Are there any unique aspects of the campu …

5 months ago

How to maintain a 4.0 GPA in college?

What are your best tips and tricks for maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college? How did you balance academics with extracurriculars and maintain a high GPA?

5 months ago

Finding internships with no experience?

Hey everyone! I'm looking for internships as a college student, but I don't have much relevant experience. Any tips on securing internships when starting from scratch? How do I make the most of my ski …

5 months ago

High-impact classes to take in community college?

I'm heading to community college soon, but plan on transferring eventually. What are some classes I should consider taking in community college that will maximize my chances of transferring to a 4-yea …

5 months ago

Majors at University of Portland

Hi, guys! I'm exploring my options and need some information on the University of Portland. Can anyone help me out with what majors they're known for or where their strengths lie academically? Thanks …

5 months ago

What's Solent University known for?

Hello everyone! I'm considering Solent University and would like some more information on it. What are some things that Solent University is known for? Any notable academic programs, campus life, or e …

5 months ago

Requirements to become a college professor?

I'm considering a career in academia and was wondering what the qualifications are for becoming a college professor. What kind of education and experience do you need? And do you have any tips for som …

5 months ago

Bucket list: Things to do before graduating college?

Hey folks! As I'm looking forward to college and thinking about making the most of the experience, I started considering what activities or milestones I would like to achieve before I graduate. What a …

5 months ago

University of California Santa Cruz's strengths?

What kind of programs or areas of study is the University of California Santa Cruz particularly strong in? I'm just trying to get a feel for the school's focus.

5 months ago

Pros and cons of community colleges?

Hey everyone! I'm considering attending a community college after high school for a couple of years before transferring to a four-year university. What are the advantages and drawbacks of taking this …

5 months ago

Paying for College: How Do People Afford It?

Hey everyone, I've been getting increasingly anxious about the costs of college as we get closer to application season. Can anyone explain how you managed to afford college? Scholarships, loans, work- …

5 months ago
Displaying questions 51021-51040 of 80471 total
About CollegeVine’s Expert FAQ
CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.