Student Panel
College Fair

Hosted September 21 – 26, 2020
💖 viewer said:
High school students asked thousands of LIVE questions
Current college students shared honest opinions
Completely free
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UT Austin Student Panel

Vanderbilt University Student Panel

Virginia Tech Student Panel

Yale University Student Panel

From a university and looking to learn more?

Contact us. We'd love to hear from you!

About Us

CollegeVine is a free resource that helps high school students navigate the path to college.

Students can access live and on-demand college advising from a team of admissions experts across the nation.

Families can use CollegeVine's data-driven, adaptive technology platform to develop a plan for college, discover the best schools for them, write incredible applications and essays, and earn more scholarship dollars.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a "student panel college fair?"

Unlike a traditional college fair where you'd meet with admissions officers from each college, our Student Panel College Fair allows you to hear directly from current students that attend the colleges you're interested in. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and hear unfiltered perspectives from actual students.

How can I ask questions to the current students on each panel?

Each event will be live and interactive, meaning you'll be able to chat your questions during the event through our website. Our trained moderators will do our best to get to every single question.

Will these panels be diverse?

One of our top priorities is ensuring that the authentic student experience is represented on campus. Therefore, our team is working to assemble panels that represent the student body as best as possible.

This is all taking place online?

Yes, this event is completely online.

Who is CollegeVine?

We're an education company looking to expand access to college guidance to students from any background. We're hoping this event helps high school students on their college journey.

What’s the cost to attend?

Like all of CollegeVine's offerings, this event is completely free for high school families, parents, and counselors.

What if I can’t attend a specific event?

No worries — we'll send you a recording via email afterwards. Just be sure to register for the event.

What students are saying
It has personalized chancing software which I find extremely helpful.
Collegevine is a very accurate website that I try trust i love it!
I love this website. I am a freshman in high school working on going ot med school and this is easy to look at different schools
its lit
I like how it helps me to compile a list of colleges from applying to considering. By calculating my chances it helps me by showing which factors I need to work on
This website is amazing and everything I've been looking for. You guys are so awesome.
Excellent tool to cater college list based on personal profile and the college admissions data
it is quite resourceful
It's been a very useful resource to me for the little time that I've been using it, and my friends would most likely benefit from this service as well.
The site provides realistic insights for studetns looking to applying to schools.
Very helpful
Straightforward layout and helpful information
Collegevine provides very useful and relevant information
detailed info
This is a very nice website that grants me a lot of valuable insight into the college admissions process.
gud service
I think this is a great tool for me to use!
I would highly recommend this site to a friend because it allows you to have a general idea of where you are and what you need to do in order to get where you need to go.
It's very precise, offers a great range of information for each school and users can answer questions from their experiences that help upcoming college students.
CollegeVine makes it very accessible to find which college best suits you based off your interests whether that be location, academics, and possible benefits.
its very organized and easy to understand
Collegevine has provided me with more information than my school counselors and gives a detailed explanation for any question. Collegevine is a great source of help for students who want to be prepared ahead of time in order to build a good profile for when it's time to submit applications.
I've only been on here for a couple of months but I can see that CollegeVine is a really helpful resource for high school students and I think it has helped me widen my perspective about things.
Thus far, I've found the site very helpful! I already recommended it to a friend.
it is so helpful
Great Platform with lots of helpful advice
I think this is very intuitive and its potential is at a peak. In my opinion, as an 8th grader, I am excited about my future engineering pathway in highschool and college, and I do have some friends who have joined who are in higher grades than me and some in a few of my classes. Thank you, CollegeVine!
The program is very precise and gives likely admissions without sugar-coating it which is extremely important to students with big goals
It helps you write the best essay to be able to get into college.
it is a perfect
it is very helpful and free
Very helpful
I feel it's very convenient and helpful, and it's free too!
Love :D
its good
It is very useful
This site has helped me for my college preparation. They need the same help I have received.
It is so useful! I can visualize which schools I am a good applicant for when applying my personal statistics
It was super helpful, especially with the essay review. Also, it helped me keep track of which colleges I was applying to and which ones I ended up not applying to. The instructions on how to write each of the supplemental essays were extremely helpful as well. Thank you all for all the work that was put into this.
The UI is one of the main reasons along with the thorough service for students such as myself + plenty of free tools for those who can't spend much money on such tools.
Incredibly reliable, thank you so much!
It's very useful.
It's very helpful and tells me about where I can apply to and that's good.
It is such a helpful resource! I feel like a lot of my friends don't know about it, but I think they would benefit from hearing great(true) things about this site.
it is a very good site
I'm getting great advice that is helping me to plan my journey to college.
it super healpful. a million times better than other college websites i've used
It's really helpful
Great resource
very helpful
This is a great resource with lots of expertise and advise for students. The user interface is clean and easy to use. Thank you.
CollegeVine is the best resource for college admissions, not only that but it is also credible. Without this organization's help, I would be completely lost in navigating this whole admissions process as a first-generation, low-income student. I am grateful to have found CollegeVine!
it is a very useful app when It comes to colleges
very informative
The service seems well put together and thorough, and it has done a much-needed job.
because this website gives insight as to what I need to improve on so that I can nurture my talents and also have a better-looking college application
Very organized and helpful
It's a very helpful way to organize applying or considering colleges.
It is very easy to use and allows you to understand how to plan for college in a simple way and makes it super easy to set up your future
It is cool.
I love it
it helps
it is very helpful!!
its helpful and has many webinars
The information and services you provide are top notch!
its great i finally see a path to my future
It's an extremely helpful resource, especially for those who feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Plus, it keeps getting better!
it is great
It's a great platform to plan out your high school years.
Very useful tool
This site is guiding me to a decide on realistic schools and it also gives me a wide variety of options to choose from. It would be a lot harder for me to do all of this research myself. The site does a lot of work for me. Really really helpful!
I love this website
Its a good website to calculate your chances for colleges.
I really feel like CollegeVine is helping me through the high school college experience.
This is the only company that has offered me help in negotiating my financial aid
It is amazing! I wish I knew about this earlier!!
It is great
UI is super nice and it seems to be helpful.
Because it's quick and it's a very easy way to get your essay reviewed w/o paying and it helps when finding out more about college.
collegevine has pretty much everything i'm looking for to help me prepare for college
It's the most organized site for comparing schools I've found. Plus, the peer reviews on the essays are something I've never seen before.
Because it evacuates your chances of going to a college. and i feel like that evaluation is almost so accurate because they provide you with an opportunity to incorporate any detailed events, or gpa, or standardized test taken through out high school career. And the tools on this app is phenomenal. its the best app, and really helps with college list( differentiating between your target school, and competitive ones). Helps you feel organized especially during college application season.
I absolutely love this program and all the info it provides for free
Easy to use, provides relevant and useful information, and has the easiest way to find new schools to apply to that I have seen
It is by far my absolute favorite site!!!!
Awesome website... I wish everyone must see this!
it is excellent.
This website is very helpful and provides very useful advice